Baked Cheese in Ramekins

Baked Cheese in Ramekins by John Goins

If you’re looking to spice up this recipe you can add croutons, potatoes, and pasta to this baked cheese recipe. Additional herbs will make this dish sing. Parsley, rosemary, summer savory and oregano would all be great to this cheese recipe. You can just eat this appetizer with just a spoon, some crackers or even sliced green apple.

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Diet Solutions For Women- Weight Lossin 10 Days

Diet Solutions For Women- Weight Lossin 10 Days by hudoudou56

What if you don't try to lose 50 pounds in one week or one month. Foods that help women lose weight are genuinely health-giving, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice, oats, herbal teas, carob, pulses, unsalted nuts, jacket potatoes, tofu, salad, olive oil and low-fat live yogurt.

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