Caramel Glazed Apple Bread

Caramel Glazed Apple Bread by Mary Potter

from Betty Crocker, cuz she knows what guys want. I actually bumped into this recipe from somewhere else, but I do not recall where or from whom. If you recognize this as your recipe let me know and I will absolutely give you credit,

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Lemon Gateau Shenandoah

Lemon Gateau Shenandoah by Windle Grissett

I created this lovely masterpiece in honor of my daughter Shenandoah whom has chosen to follow in my foot steps. As a child she loved lemons, and still does

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Fresh Apple Mini Chip Cake

Fresh Apple Mini Chip Cake by Robyn Savoie

Apples are America's favorite fruit and when combined with chocolate, America's favorite flavor, you have a tasty, nutritious dessert. In season, apples are at their peak of flavor and texture, and since chocolate is always in season, Autumn is the perfect time to enjoy delicious chocolate and apple combinations in specialty or…

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