Sweet Pickles In 15 Minutes. Just In Time For The 4th!

Sweet Pickles In 15 Minutes. Just In Time For The 4th! by kathy gori

It's been busy here in Sonoma getting ready for our annual 4th of July barbecue. In planning our menu this year, we decided to go for the traditional American organic beef burgers with all the fixings, two kinds of coleslaw, James Beards' sour cream slaw, a tart Indian cabbage dish, an Indian style potato salad, mixed wild greens…

3 votes
Vegetables blanched corn cakes (Traitional rcipe fron valencia-Sain)

Vegetables blanched corn cakes (Traitional rcipe fron valencia-Sain) by chefgonin

These corn cakes fill the can or want to, although traditionally here fill of vegetables (eggplant, peppers, onions etc). They are ideal to surprise your friends in a quick dinner, and if you tell them it's a Spanish recipe, even better. Try them, is…

2 votes
Have A Glass Of “Unbeetable” Juice!

Have A Glass Of “Unbeetable” Juice! by Blackswan

Of late, Chefs in top restaurants have been serving these bloody Beets. I read about the many benefits of Beetroots - rich in the nutrient betaine, which is important for cardiovascular health, blah, blah, blah. Because of this, I’ve tried forcing it down my throat but I simply dislike the taste – be it French, Italian or Asian…

2 votes
Pumpkin flowers fry (bajji)

Pumpkin flowers fry (bajji) by anil menon

This recipe is for starter, easy and quick to make.

1 vote
Raw Zucchini Salad

Raw Zucchini Salad by Jenny

Up until now I had always bought zucchini and thought to myself: ‘’Now I am going to make something new with it! Something a bit different!’’ But the truth is I had ended up using it the same way – in my tomato pasta sauce. But this has come to an end now and so I have decided to make a salad. A salad with zucchini. Truth be told…

1 vote
Banana Bajjia

Banana Bajjia by hari

This recipe is easy to make. If suddenly guests come, you can preapre this snack. Very tasty.

1 vote