Benefits of Fruit Based on His Skin Color

Benefits of Fruit Based on His Skin Color by Rany

you eat the fruit and have content different nutrients. If you read through this article, then you will get a recipe or strategy to pick the fruit you should eat when you are short on nutrition

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Cowboy Caviar

Cowboy Caviar by Mark H.

When you are looking for a quick make appetizer that will be loved by all, this is the recipe for you!

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Gingerbread Butter Rice Crispy Treats

Gingerbread Butter Rice Crispy Treats by misty

I revamped the usual peanut butter rice crispy treats, but replacing the plain peanut butter with Gingerbread Peanut Butter. The ginger peanut butter recipe is complements of Chocolate Covered Katie- ( Thanks for the recipe, Katie!

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Egg & Olive

Egg & Olive by Glenn

Like Duh! You really need a recipe for this? My family loves Egg & Olive Sandwiches. They are easy to prepare, easy to throw between a couple of pieces of bread and a refreshing summer time treat. Enjoy!

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