Whetzel Nut Cookies

Whetzel Nut Cookies by Suzy Greer

Whetzel Nut CookiesWhat's a Whetzel Nut you ask? Well...this recipe was originally for "Gone Fishin'" cookies (out of the new Betty Crocker cookies and bars booklet)-however ....the cover says.."Save $$ Bake it from scratch"-I also took that to mean "Save $$ and if you already have pretzels at home, don't go out and buy the little…

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Cookies and Cream cake

Cookies and Cream cake by Suzy Greer

Cookies and Cream cakeThis little cake was for her 'official' birthday night...I guess since I've baked since (and before) I had her, and let her taste little bits of frosting and cake she didn't got nuts like other kids might. This was a good cake though! It's a 'add to the box', but it's really good!Cookies and Cream cake: (from…

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Cheesecake cookies

Cheesecake cookies by Suzy Greer

One of my favorite blogs (MyKitchenCafe) put a recipe for these little beauties up around Christmas...and I made them the first time I think the DAY I saw the recipe. This was also the day we got a new fridge and took off all the magnets from the old one...the first batch did fine...see them here on the cooling rack-(the ones in the…

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Butter-Batter-Fruit cobbler

Butter-Batter-Fruit cobbler by Suzy Greer

Butter-Batter-Fruit cobblerWe (and I say we as in "our family") doesn't do biscuity cobbler. In fact I don't think I've ever HAD a "real" cobbler. We do however have this little mess (I'll admit it, I had too much liquid in mine-sigh) quite often. Apple butter in the fall, blackberries in the summer...pick your fruit.Also...has anyone…

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Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberry Ice Cream by Suzy Greer

Strawberry Ice CreamSo, um yeah..I made this on Valentine's Day, and I'm just now posting it. Why? Eh, laziness I guess. I'm blaming ALOT lately on the fact that I'm SO ready to see some springtime, so sick of snow, and so pregnant. It's a bad combo!But what helps? Ice cream!I was going to make chocolate covered strawberries for…

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Buffalo chicken pasta

Buffalo chicken pasta by Suzy Greer

Buffalo chicken pastaOne of the 'joys' (I use that word sarcastically...keep reading) of my being pregnant is the puff factor. In my first pregnancy my ring size went from 5 3/4s to 7. This time around I'm at about an 8 1/2. I can't wear my cute Mary Jane style shoes (Although I call them Alice shoes b/c they remind me of her shoes in…

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Chicken Cordon Blue/Bleu...sorta.

Chicken Cordon Blue/Bleu...sorta. by Suzy Greer

Chicken Cordon Blue/Bleu...sorta.I don't have exact measurements for you for this recipe. I mean, alot of things just aren't 'exact' with me. I can tell you each component, and try my best to explain HOW I put it together though b/c it was delicious!List of stuff-Cut the slices of Canadian Bacon in half (little half moons) and browned…

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mushroom somethingoranother...

mushroom somethingoranother... by Suzy Greer

mushroom somethingoranother...This was another dinner of "what's in the fridge/freezer, no I haven't gone to the grocery yet, so let's pilage the pantry". Or WITFFNIHGTTGYSLPTP. But trash can dinner sounds gross. I kinda like pilage the pantry though..maybe I'll go with that? Aaaannnnyyyway...Puff pastry, mushrooms, onions,…

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Double trouble...

Double trouble... by Suzy Greer

Double trouble...So our relationship progressed, it's been a long time since we actually called each other at work and had to say who we were b/c we know each others voices. A couple years ago we decided that we should go see Twilight together and at that first 'official' meeting, it became 'official' that we really were a left hand…

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Buttermilk Pumpkin Trifle

Buttermilk Pumpkin Trifle by Suzy Greer

Buttermilk Pumpkin Triflebeat into yummy submissionThe Buttermilk layer was a Buttermilk pie that didn't set up that I ran through the food processor.Fresh whipped cream between the layers.topped with more gingersnap crunchy bits!Lots of layers of Yum!!I think the 'pie' layer would be good with ANY pie...imagine an apple pie crumbled…

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Beer battered fish and chips

Beer battered fish and chips by Suzy Greer

Beer battered fish and chipsIt was a HAPPY day in my house when I found the plug in to my Fry-Daddy. I'd been craving something laden with homemade really. The fish in my freezer..Tilapiathe Skinny girl in me quietly spoke "put lemon pepper on me and broil me, I'm healthy"..and I(the Fat girl) answered it with a…

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Chili in a bread bowl...

Chili in a bread bowl... by Suzy Greer

Chili in a bread bowl...It's freakin' cold's time for chili!! Back in October I made some awesome chili. No really..I made it up myself, and Husband proclaimed it "best". Now being a bit of an inventor in the kitchen, I didn't write it down..and the next time I made chili it wasn't half as good. So I racked my brain…

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Turkey meatballs

Turkey meatballs by Suzy Greer

Little Miss wanted to get in on the photography action as well and asked that I take a picture of her dinner too.Meatballs....Husband's FAVORITE thing. Whenever I ask him what he wants for dinner...meatballs. No does get quite annoying. Me though..NOT a meatball fan. *clamps mouth, shakes head*It stems from getting a perm…

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Giveaway! Fiber One 90 calorie brownies

Giveaway! Fiber One 90 calorie brownies by Suzy Greer

Brownies with ONLY 3g of fat, 90 calories, AND Fiber. Most important to me though? They taste FANTASTIC! There is no way I would ever think these babies only had 90 calories!My husband is a bit of a fiber bar junkie. He eats at least 2 a day. I know right? He likes them b/c they fill him up at work, they are quick to eat, and…

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Brazilian Lemonade

Brazilian Lemonade by Suzy Greer

Brazilian LemonadeSO refreshing...such is a vanity shot...and yes that is a HUGE lime.But this-Yeah..that's how most of my drinks end up. In my cup with my tastes the same whatever it's in..but this glass is WAY more practical for me!Hubby and I LOVE Fogo De Chao it's up there as probably the #1 fancy restaurant right…

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