Cornbread Dressing, Davis Family Recipe

Cornbread Dressing, Davis Family Recipe by Susan

My grandmother and my mother’s cooking is referenced frequently here on Sauce and Sensibility, because they had such a profound influence on me in the years when I was learning my way around the kitchen. They were both great, intuitive; natural cooks who worked without written recipes or measurements to delicious results.So it comes…

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Crustless Breakfast Pie

Crustless Breakfast Pie by Susan

Some weekend mornings in our household are mad dashes out the door for a sporting event, the farmer’s market, to run errands, shop or get somebody where they need to be. Others are blissfully lazy, quiet hours at home to read the newspaper, watch the morning news and political programs, or just dabble one’s toes in the pool and…

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White Lasagna

White Lasagna by Susan

On a business trip to Paris a long time ago, I was invited to “the boss’s house” for lunch. The house was a beautiful apartment above the famed Place Vendôme.When I got there, I was awed by the formality of the at-least 18-foot ceilings, the highly polished wood floors, the posh furnishings and rugs and chandeliers, and an ornate…

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Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes by Susan

My husband hasn’t ever actually confessed to this, but I know that his favorite meal is breakfast. I have known him for 25 years and there are clues. First, he always eats breakfast—and with gusto—oatmeal, berries with yogurt and granola, toast with butter and jam—some combination of these every single workday. If, some morning, we…

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Bibb Lettuce Wedges with Avocado Dressing

Bibb Lettuce Wedges with Avocado Dressing by Susan

Here it is Labor Day weekend and another summer winds to a close. Even here in sunny, hot Florida, a feeling comes into the air this weekend that we are transitioning into another season. A lightening of congestion in our tourist areas, a return to school for kids, a resumption of work routines for the adults—and the promise of…

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Cajun Shrimp Casserole

Cajun Shrimp Casserole by Susan

This morning I was watching CNBC and somewhat oddly, for a financial news channel, they were airing an interview with the Olympic Dutch speed skating coach. If you haven’t been following the controversy about the U.S. Olympic speed skating team, the quick story is that they are not winning medals and they are not happy about that.…

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Peach Galette

Peach Galette by Susan

Here is a very easy way with fruit, a rustic galette that is really just a free-form panless pie. Galettes can be savory or sweet, the crust doesn’t have sugar in it, just a little sprinkled on the top. You don’t have to be a master baker to perfect this pastry, and best of all, it keeps beautifully. You can refrigerate any leftovers…

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Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola by Susan

Homemade GranolaMy favorite everyday breakfast is a cup of blueberries, a dollop of Greek yogurt, a drizzle of local honey and a small scoop of granola. I never grow tired of this combination of creamy, crunchy, sweet and tart ingredients. This breakfast is also a powerhouse for morning energy and nutrition. The choice of granola is…

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