Yeast Bakers Talk

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blue berry bread deborah lawson deborah lawson No replies yet July 26, 2014 19:46

Yeast Bakers Recipes (5 of 83) View all

Easy French Bread #2

Easy French Bread #2 by myra byanka

No knead, no standing mixer to clean. A pre-ferment (poolish) gives the bread a wonderful flavor, and the actual prep time is short.

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Buttermilk White Sandwich Bread

Buttermilk White Sandwich Bread by myra byanka

Tried this recipe the other day and it turned out delicious. Kneading is required.

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Easy Sandwich Rolls

Easy Sandwich Rolls by myra byanka

Made with buttermilk, these are light inside and crusty on the outside. No kneading required. The method to get the gluten going is mix and rest, then stretch and fold. Look on YouTube, if my description isn't clear. If this method seems tiresome to you, just knead the dough 5-6 minutes.

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Whole Wheat Flaxseed Molasses bread loaf

Whole Wheat Flaxseed Molasses bread loaf by Foodessa

Our heart health can only benefit from the addition of nutritional FLAX seeds. Molasses blend perfectly into this delectable artisan style bread. makes 1 - (5x9 inch) / (13x23cm) bread loaf or a (4x8 inch) / (10x20cm) For a dedicated post...refer to:

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Baking Bread in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven and a No-Knead Recipe

Baking Bread in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven and a No-Knead Recipe by myra byanka

For those of you who want to bake bread in a cast iron Dutch oven, there is so much misinformation out there that I wrote Lodge to get the low-down. Here was the reply: Hi Myra, Thank you for taking time to inquire about this. The black seasoned…

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