Tuscan Pignolata alla Patrizia

Tuscan Pignolata alla Patrizia by Pattie Meegan

A traditional Tuscan Pine Nut Cake and a favorite of my Dad's with his evening espresso!

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Gateau aux Pommes Caramelises~ Caramelised Apple Cake

Gateau aux Pommes Caramelises~ Caramelised Apple Cake by Pattie Meegan

A French neighbor in NY introduced me to this cake when she served it to me made with apricots. She told me it's traditionally done with apples (I used 1 Honey Crisp and 1 Granny Smith) and wrote on the card:" Note the use of salted butter- this dessert originates in Brittany which is "the land of salted butter"."

2 votes
Conchiglioni al Forno

Conchiglioni al Forno by Carmelita

You can fill pasta shells with practically anything, so having a free hand I decided on something light: a "trito" or chopped mixture, of fish and vegetables. You can see my base ingredients, enough for 4 for a light lunch or for 2 greedy people, in the second picture in the gallery. I used:

4 votes