«Polpetielli» affogati (Baby Octopus Braised in Tomato Sauce)

«Polpetielli» affogati (Baby Octopus Braised in Tomato Sauce) by Frank Fariello

Octopus is a popular food all around the Mediterranean basin and yet elsewhere it is often, for some reason, 'controversial'. Many people who will happily scarf down fried calamari will shudder at the thought of eating its close cousin, which is too…

5 votes
Baccalà alla napoletana

Baccalà alla napoletana by Frank Fariello

Baccalà, or salted codfish, marries especially well with tomatoes, and the marriage reaches its apogee of deliciousness in the summer, when tomatoes are at their best. And who does tomatoes better than the people of Campania, home to Italy's best tomatoes? Baccala alla napoletana, Naples-style codfish, is a simple dish of bold…

2 votes
Roman Oxtail Stew

Roman Oxtail Stew by Carmelita

The Italian name for this dish is Coda Alla Vaccinara. It is an iconic symbol of Roman cuisine, is one of those heart warming soothing winter dishes that you dream of and crave when cold weather sets in. Quick to prepare and slow to cook, it is a humble unpretentious dish made with an inexpensive cut of meat. The succulent tender…

1 vote
Warm Octopus w. Potato and Parsley

Warm Octopus w. Potato and Parsley by Carmelita

This is one of my favourite things year round, served lukewarm in winter or at room temperature in summer. Octopus meat is beautifully tender when properly cooked. It has a very mild sweet-savoury flavour which some compare to chicken and some to squid though neither comparison really stands up in my view. Perhaps crab or scallop…

1 vote