Recipes by We Are Never Full (Page 4)

United States United States Chef

Pork Chops in the Style of Jerez Paired with Delicious, Free Rioja from Campo Viejo

Pork Chops in the Style of Jerez Paired with Delicious, Free Rioja from Campo Viejo by We Are Never Full

With wine there is probably more room for personal interpretation and opinion than in any other area of gastronomy. The sheer variety of wines available from across the globe encourages this, but the reputation of the wine connoisseur and his often…

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“Quicker” Peking Duck with Pancakes: Fighting Exhaustion with Good Food

“Quicker” Peking Duck with Pancakes: Fighting Exhaustion with Good Food by We Are Never Full

New York City. The saying goes that if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. But I think they were talking about young, cute, single and childless 22 year olds (which I’d like to believe I once was and, damn, that was a fun time). I don’t…

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Spring Kick-Off: Fresh Fava Puree and Garlicky Sauteed Chicory (and a Lightroom 4 Giveaway)

Spring Kick-Off: Fresh Fava Puree and Garlicky Sauteed Chicory (and a Lightroom 4 Giveaway) by We Are Never Full

This dish is normally made with dried fava beans and is actually a winter dish, made when the chicory is able to be freshly picked. We decided to try it with fresh fava beans and, wow, I could eat the fava puree as a dish by itself. This would make a…

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Discovering Mamposteao

Discovering Mamposteao by We Are Never Full

May 3rd, 2012 by Jonny & AmyNamed for the grandson of Puerto Rico’s first governor, the southern city of Ponce is blessed with appropriately distinguished architecture. The equal of few in the Americas, it is a delightful surprise for the visitor. That conquering Americans were responsible for the preservation of the city’s historic…

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Portuguese Soup with Chouriço Oil: The Next Big Thing

Portuguese Soup with Chouriço Oil: The Next Big Thing by We Are Never Full

Right before it was yesterday’s news and tossed on the cultural junk pile as passé, everything was the next big thing. Devotees of Anthony Bourdain will know that as of two weeks ago, Croatian cuisine is the new black. Prior to all this, somewhere between Spanish food blowing up into our collective consciousness and the advent of…

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Pincho Moruno: Hidden Waters Reveal Miraculous Pork Belly Kebabs

Pincho Moruno: Hidden Waters Reveal Miraculous Pork Belly Kebabs by We Are Never Full

St. George, the patron saint of England, whose plucky, dragon-slaying derring-do is taken as emblematic of the English spirit, far from being a native of the British Isles, or for that matter, far from ever having come close to visiting them, was…

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Garlic Scapes, Cosmic Balance and a Pan-Fried Sea Bass Fillet

Garlic Scapes, Cosmic Balance and a Pan-Fried Sea Bass Fillet by We Are Never Full

Now that we’re done with our annual yogic vigil of the summer solstice and our cosmic karma has been rebalanced, it’s time for us to concede that we’re not really very good food bloggers. Not that any remaining readers won’t have noticed this of late,…

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Faeries, Fish & Midnight Sun: Summer in Iceland

Faeries, Fish & Midnight Sun: Summer in Iceland by We Are Never Full

My guidebook assured me that 3 out of 5 Icelanders believe that faeries, mischievous sprites and trolls are real. Many, it continues, actively take precautions against them, refusing to set foot in the spots they are thought to inhabit. My first introduction to the country, the drive from the airport into Reykjavik, past a giant…

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A Sepia-Tinted Future: Fideua with Cuttlefish

A Sepia-Tinted Future: Fideua with Cuttlefish by We Are Never Full

For centuries, mankind and cuttlefish have had something of a difficult relationship, certainly from the latter’s perspective. Even prior to the development of the photographic tint known as sepia – a brownish hue that makes the late 19th century appear to have been an unusually dusty period – the ink of the cuttlefish was prized for…

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No Amphibians Were Hurt in the Making of This Dish…

No Amphibians Were Hurt in the Making of This Dish… by We Are Never Full

Dec 3rd, 2012 by Jonny & AmyIn his rather witty book, French Lessons, Peter Mayle attends the annual Fete de Grenouilles (Festival of Frogs-Legs) in Vittel, France, and describes an episode at the festival banquet in which an attendee, elbow deep in amphibian thighs, tells him that if he thinks eating frogs is unusual, she had heard…

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