Recipes by Sonshine (Page 6)

United States United States Chef

Shopping Trip---Savings $225.06

Shopping Trip---Savings $225.06 by Sonshine

One of my goals for 2010 is to only do major grocery shopping twice a month. Since it was payday on Friday, I took the time to do my shopping for the rest of the month(except for a perishable item run-milk, eggs, produce) along with making my monthly Sam's run(watch for a post later!). Whew! It was a lot of work to do all the…

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Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $100.21

Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $100.21 by Sonshine

I did my shopping this week on two different days due to my schedule. Because of my previous shopping a couple of weeks ago, I didn't actually need a whole lot other than some meat to last me through until payday on the 15th.Now that winter is here, I like keep a good stockpile so that if the weather is too bad to go out shopping I…

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Meijer Deals 12/6-12/12

Meijer Deals 12/6-12/12 by Sonshine

Meijer Deals 12/6-12/12Just a reminder, that I am using a West Michigan sale ad and my Meijer does NOT double coupons! Also check the THREE pages of Mealbox coupons there are several cpns that match items in this week's ad! Please let me know if there is something that I missed and I will take the time to update my deals listing.Also…

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Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $37.96

Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $37.96 by Sonshine

This week, I did something unintentionally! I forgot to take my coupon folder with me when I went shopping! I only needed a few items and there was only a couple of things that I needed with my coupons so it wasn't too bad. However, not having my coupon folder made me think more on whether I really needed to get the item or if I…

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Meijer Deals 12/13-12/19

Meijer Deals 12/13-12/19 by Sonshine

Meijer Deals 12/13-12/19Just a reminder, that I am using a West Michigan sale ad and my Meijer does NOT double coupons! Also check the two pages of Mealbox coupons there are several cpns that match items in this week's ad! Please let me know if there is something that I missed and I will take the time to update my deals…

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Meijer Deals 12/20-12/26

Meijer Deals 12/20-12/26 by Sonshine

Just a reminder, that I am using a West Michigan sale ad and my Meijer does NOT double coupons! Also check the two pages of Mealbox coupons there are several cpns that match items in this week's ad! Please let me know if there is something that I missed and I will take the time to update my deals listing.PROMOTIONS:***BUY 4 Kraft…

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Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $160.56

Weekly Shopping Trip--Savings $160.56 by Sonshine

I did my major grocery shopping last week before the stores(and me) really started getting very busy with the holiday rush. I was planning on just needing to stop in the stores long enough to keep milk in the house but found out that I was going to be hosting the family Christmas day dinner at my house. Which meant that my plans of…

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Meijer Deals 12/27-1/2

Meijer Deals 12/27-1/2 by Sonshine

Just a reminder, that I am using a West Michigan sale ad and my Meijer does NOT double coupons! Also check the two pages of Mealbox coupons there are several cpns that match items in this week's ad! Please let me know if there is something that I missed and I will take the time to update my deals listing.PROMOTIONS:***Buy 2 Nestle…

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Monthly Sam's Run--December

Monthly Sam's Run--December by Sonshine

I was going through the archives working on figures and realized that I had not posted my December Sam's Run. I guess that is what happens when one is in a "funk"/self-proclaimed vacation due to burn out and not really wanting to do anything on the computer or around my house. Also my hubby has been working on a community service…

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Looking Ahead--2010 Goals

Looking Ahead--2010 Goals by Sonshine

Looking Ahead--2010 GoalsWhile I look at the following list of goals, I see potential in reaching every one of them by the end of the year with God's help and my determination. I realize that some of the goals are not very measurable right now so there will be some tweaking going on in the weeks and months to come. However, I wanted…

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