Recipes by Kimberly Bouldin (Page 6)

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Crave Bakery Gluten-Free Cookbook Giveaway

Crave Bakery Gluten-Free Cookbook Giveaway by Kimberly Bouldin

When I was asked to write an endorsement for the brand new Crave Bakery Cookbook, I was flattered and excited! I fell in love with the products from Crave Bakery back in 2010 and can’t wait to get busy making some of the recipes in the new cookbook!Crave Bakery BrownieMy endorsement: Following a gluten-free diet can be difficult, but…

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Celiac Awareness & KIND Bars

Celiac Awareness & KIND Bars by Kimberly Bouldin

Celiac Awareness & KIND BarsKIND Snacks is introducing two new bars to their Nut & Spices line just in time for Celiac Disease Awareness Month. I have been a fan of KIND Bars for almost as long as I have been on the gluten-free diet. The Nuts & Spices line bars are “each seemingly indulgent recipe provides all natural protein, fiber…

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Heath & Fitness Motivation Giveaway

Heath & Fitness Motivation Giveaway by Kimberly Bouldin

What is the toughest part for you about sticking to a health & fitness routine? Is it motivation? Is it finding time? Do you wonder how others have time to fit exercise and healthy eating into their hectic schedules? I am not going to lie to you and tell you that it will be easy to do, it won’t be. But, like the quote (from I don’t…

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Review: Nature’s Path Trail Mixer Chewy Granola Bars

Review: Nature’s Path Trail Mixer Chewy Granola Bars by Kimberly Bouldin

Man, I sure have missed chewy granola bars since starting the gluten-free diet. They weren’t something I ate regularly before starting the gluten-free diet, but you know how it goes, when someone tells you that you can have something, you want it even more! I found Nature’s Path Dark Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola Bars a few weeks…

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Rudi’s Happy Camper Contest & Giveaway

Rudi’s Happy Camper Contest & Giveaway by Kimberly Bouldin

Big news today! Rudi’s Gluten-Free just announced a super cool Gluten-Free “Happy Camper” Facebook contest. Check this out:This May, in celebration of National Celiac Awareness Month, Rudi’s Gluten-Free fans are encouraged to submit a 200-word essay from their child explaining what attending a gluten-free summer camp would mean to…

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Recipe: Arugula & Tuna Salad

Recipe: Arugula & Tuna Salad by Kimberly Bouldin

Recipe: Arugula & Tuna SaladI love arugula! It is probably my favorite salad green and I could probably sit there and eat it straight from the package.When I work through dinner time with clients or have an evening exercise class, I often eat when I get home and look for quick options. If there aren’t leftovers, I’ll make a large…

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Six Days…

Six Days… by Kimberly Bouldin

My last half marathon of the spring season is 6 days from today. The Cap City Half Marathon will be my 3rd half this spring and 13th half overall. I have learned a lot about myself and my body over the past 4-5 years of running, but there is always more to learn. My current quest involves figuring out why I have been getting…

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Recipe: Weekday Morning French Toast

Recipe: Weekday Morning French Toast by Kimberly Bouldin

Recipe: Weekday Morning French ToastI am not sure how it seems like the older my kids get, the pickier they become. Sure, Jon has to follow a gluten-free diet so he doesn’t always have all of the options of a teen who doesn’t follow the gluten-free diet, but he has plenty of choices. Jon says he gets tired of eating the same things…

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Review: Evolve Protein Shake

Review: Evolve Protein Shake by Kimberly Bouldin

Would you like to have more hours in the day? I sure would! While there is nothing I can do to give you more hours in the day, I do want to share a new protein shake, Evolve, for women that is packed full of vitamins and easy to grab and go. Refueling on the run saves time that we often scramble to find to properly refuel.More…

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Review: Sambazon Superfood Smoothie & Juice Blends

Review: Sambazon Superfood Smoothie & Juice Blends by Kimberly Bouldin

It is always hard for me to figure out meals and fueling when I have evening workout classes. The classes always seem to fall around 6:30, so for me I would have to eat dinner at 4:30ish if I wanted to eat before or wait until after 8 PM. I have found on days where my run or workout falls in that time frame it is better for me to…

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