Recipes by Daphne Su

Australia Australia Chef

Mixed Berries Orange Tea Cake

Mixed Berries Orange Tea Cake by Daphne Su

Once in a while you experiment and discover recipes that are worth keeping. This is one of them. Finding the balance between coconut flour and almond meal seems tricky at times but this cake just...takes the cake. It's very cake like and light to eat. Again, I serve it to friends who would not have guessed it's an no added refined…

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Lemon "Cheesecake" with Berry Topping

Lemon "Cheesecake" with Berry Topping by Daphne Su

I'm actually quite excited with this recipe. I made this for our wedding anniversary back in April (I know! Very late in posting this!) and it was a hit for hubby and myself.It is only recently that I am onto the band wagon of making raw desserts. It's just to increase my repertoire of creating desserts at home I guess. I love the…

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Ricotta Pancakes

Ricotta Pancakes by Daphne Su

On some long weekends, or a special week day when hubby works from home, I like to go "all out" and makes some waffles or pancakes. This was one of those days.Growing up, I would have meals with my grandmother as my parents are often home late from work. It's a big treat to be able to sit at the dinning table with my whole family…

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The Best Banana Bread

The Best Banana Bread by Daphne Su

I am always in search for ideas for snacks and breakfasts for my two favourite boys. One of my favourite blogs Whole Food Simply always inspire me to make better baking goods for my family.I did quite a few adaptations to suit us as usual. I have experimented a few times and I think this version came out the best. It's simple, and…

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Coconut Celery Zucchini and Pea Soup

Coconut Celery Zucchini and Pea Soup by Daphne Su

We are well and truly in winter mode. Rugs are out and hot mugs of drinks. Every week, I like to schedule in a soup for dinner.I made this for lunch though. My friend is expecting her first child and was heavily pregnant. I thought it would be love to have a girly chat with her before the baby arrives. She and I love to exchange ideas…

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Raw Almond Chocolate Fudge

Raw Almond Chocolate Fudge by Daphne Su

There are times where chocolate just hits a good spot. There are some pantry staples that I always stock up. The are almond butter, coconut oil, nuts and definitely chocolate.An offer came up recently with Mayver's super spread nut butter. It's a mix of peanut, chia and almond. There were going for half price! What a treat. So I…

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Salted Almond Butter Ice Cream

Salted Almond Butter Ice Cream by Daphne Su

The other day, I came across this blog post. It struck a cord with me because from time to time, hubby and I discuss how our marriage changed since the arrival of Asher. I'm a very lucky woman because I have the world's best hubby in so many ways. He is a hands on daddy, in love with me and is absolutely supportive in my fitness,…

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Coconut Milk Bread

Coconut Milk Bread by Daphne Su

This was one of my experiments to make a "bread" to hold and dip into soup. We tend to avoid grains these days but still love the sensation and texture of something to dip into soups. As the winter season is well upon us, I thought I might read up and try making it up at home.This recipe is from Spunky Coconut again. The biggest…

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Leek and Spinach Tart

Leek and Spinach Tart by Daphne Su

This is one of my favourite "light meals" recipe. I spoke about Teresa Cutter before but honestly, this woman creates the best healthy clean recipes that are so nourishing for your body. I have made this tart a few times and even had it at my baby shower.One of the reasons why I made this various times is because I have trouble…

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Chocolate Vanilla Slice

Chocolate Vanilla Slice by Daphne Su

I have my bad and good days. Some days, I really really miss my grandmother. Grief is a throbbing pain in your heart that doesn't seem to go away. It becomes slightly duller but it aches. The image of her smiling face, the twinkle in her eyes and her old fashioned styled hair with heaps of hair spray stays with me.Last year this time,…

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