Recipes by Sweet Treats by Dani (Page 7)

Canada Canada Chef

#45) Chocolate Chippies 3 Ways

#45) Chocolate Chippies 3 Ways by Sweet Treats by Dani

#45) Chocolate Chippies 3 WaysYou know, I love being in the kitchen trying out new recipes. There is always something exciting about baking the unknown... a sense of anticipation. That being said, I still have some recipes I love dearly, but as mentioned in a previous post, because baking time is precious I want to always do something…

2 votes
#46) Banana Bites & Cinnamoney

#46) Banana Bites & Cinnamoney by Sweet Treats by Dani

#46) Banana Bites & CinnamoneyI made these mini cupcakes a few days ago in a bit of a rush. I was attending a get-together and had procrastinated on making something to bring along. Then I found a bag of frozen ripe banana in the freezer and these wonderfully coloured mini liners in the cupboard - it was like fate! Okay, maybe not…

3 votes
#47) Minty Midnight Bars

#47) Minty Midnight Bars by Sweet Treats by Dani

#47) Minty Midnight BarsI have mentioned before my uncontrollable craving for brownies, and this past week has been no exception. I guess knowing that I am off the whole week for March break has convinced my baking conscience that I can spend all day in the kitchen whipping up sinful treats... Too bad my hips don't have a conscience…

2 votes
#48) Mega-Orange Muffins

#48) Mega-Orange Muffins by Sweet Treats by Dani

#48) Mega-Orange MuffinsThese giant muffins were quite a surprise when I took the first bite!!! I never imagined the orange flavour would be as prominent as it was and the texture was simply perfect. The orange flavour can be attributed to the orange juice and more so to the amount of zest included. The texture can be credited to the…

2 votes
#49) Chocolate Orange Crunchies

#49) Chocolate Orange Crunchies by Sweet Treats by Dani

#49) Chocolate Orange CrunchiesThese little guys were an after-thought, really. I was in the kitchen waiting and waiting for my Mega-Orange Muffins to come out of the oven, and all the while I was getting more and more enticed by the citrus aroma filling the room. I got to thinking - what can I do next with some orange zest? Well,…

2 votes
#50) Cocoa Nana Cookies

#50) Cocoa Nana Cookies by Sweet Treats by Dani

#50) Cocoa Nana CookiesWow! My 50th post :) Seems like I should have tried out a more intricate recipe for this blogging landmark, but cookies it is!At school we are taking our homeroom skiing on Thursday. They are very excited and asked for me to bring in something sweet. One student in particular asked for my Banana Chocolate Chip…

2 votes
#51) Bakeapple Blossoms

#51) Bakeapple Blossoms by Sweet Treats by Dani

#51) Bakeapple BlossomsI know, I've been away a while, eh? Well, with finishing up my internship and last weekend's wedding show get-away, I haven't spent that much time in the kitchen. But with yesterday being the last day of my internship I thought maybe I should bring in some treats as a thank you to the staff. I didn't want to…

2 votes
#52) Carrot Muffins & CC Frosting

#52) Carrot Muffins & CC Frosting by Sweet Treats by Dani

#52) Carrot Muffins & CC FrostingThis recipe was actually one of the first I posted here on Sweet Treats. Since the first time I used this recipe I have never used another... I have played with this one to get it right where I want it and doubt I will ever stray from it. It is rich, heavy enough, and packed with carrot, raisins, and…

2 votes
#53) Salted Peanut Butter Cookies

#53) Salted Peanut Butter Cookies by Sweet Treats by Dani

#53) Salted Peanut Butter CookiesThese little treats will be taken to a class get-together for an evening class I teach. We will be hanging out with another class doing a more advanced course. Last time around I made the Banana Bites with Cinnamoney Frosting, but this time I was more in the mood for a cookie (that mood has been around…

2 votes
#54) Mini Bakeapple Lava Cakes

#54) Mini Bakeapple Lava Cakes by Sweet Treats by Dani

#54) Mini Bakeapple Lava CakesWe are invited out for Easter dinner today so, as usual, I took on the role of "dessert maker." The friend hosting dinner is the very same friend who recently gave me some bakeapples. I thought it only appropriate to make a divine dessert with these tart berries for the evening. I wanted to do a simple…

2 votes