Recipes by Carol Green (Page 2)

United States United States Chef

Spicy Southwestern Barley Bean Maki

Spicy Southwestern Barley Bean Maki by Carol Green

There is just something about sushi that makes me smile. I don't know if it is the cute little pieces of maki or fun with chopsticks, but I love sushi! So this week when I made a big batch of barley and cooked up a pot of dry beans, I decided to mix it up a bit. Throw in fresh spring onions from my CSA, some spices, Garlic Gold, and…

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Slow-Cooked Adzuki Beans with Butternut Squash

Slow-Cooked Adzuki Beans with Butternut Squash by Carol Green

I will be the first to admit I had no idea how to spell Azuki (Adzuki?) and I have only ever had these beans in sweet Asian desserts. So when I tasted a stew over Spring Break that incorporated these small red beans, I knew I had to play with them at home. I bought some dry beans from the bulk section of Whole Foods and decided to…

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Clementine Cuties Cranberry Sauce

Clementine Cuties Cranberry Sauce by Carol Green

This sauce is an easy and flavorful alternative to the canned variety. Clementines add a sweet note to the dish that I love! I have made several variations of this dish including the original below. One option is to toss clementine segments into the mix. You will want to increase the juice by one additional clementine, and add an…

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Aji Cereza Chili Pumpkin Soup with Red Quinoa and De Arbol Chili-Spiced Pepitas

Aji Cereza Chili Pumpkin Soup with Red Quinoa and De Arbol Chili-Spiced Pepitas by Carol Green

While driving home from the airport last week and trying to not lose my mind in the Bay Area traffic, a commercial encouraging listeners to "Spice up the holidays!" caught my attention. I had received a sample of dried peppers from Marx Foods this…

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Spicy Baked Okra Fries

Spicy Baked Okra Fries by Carol Green

Okra is in season in my area, as evidenced by the baggie full of pods that appear weekly in my CSA box. I love okra prepped in lots of ways, but this is one of the simplest ways to enjoy them. Serve as a side dish or snack (or in my case, breakfast on the way to the airport last week!). Warning that the larger pods do not fare well in…

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Easy Pear Chips in the Dehydrator

Easy Pear Chips in the Dehydrator by Carol Green

I was one lucky blogger last Friday at BlogHer Food when the USA Pear Council was packing up their table and offered me a giant glass vase full of pears. There were many varietals of pears and my mind was a flurry with everything I could do with them. With travel plans in my near future, I knew the first thing I had to make was travel…

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Reflecting on 21 Days of Vegan Eating and a Giveaway!

Reflecting on 21 Days of Vegan Eating and a Giveaway! by Carol Green

Before I start, I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for voting for Uncovering Food to advance to round three of Project Food Blog. You voted for a dinner party and I hope I delivered! Voting is now open for this round and I hope you will give me a chance to show you the sweeter side of Uncovering Food in round four!…

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Simple Ratatouille Recipe aka "Rat-tat-tat-too-eeee!"

Simple Ratatouille Recipe aka "Rat-tat-tat-too-eeee!" by Carol Green

This vegan dish with a complicated sounding name (unless you have seen the Disney movie) is a hearty entrée perfect to make on a Sunday and enjoy all week. You can change up the proportions of vegetables to your liking and adjust spices as well. While I used fresh herbs, if they aren't in season you can easily use dried herbs in their…

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Vegan Zucchini Walnut Muffins

Vegan Zucchini Walnut Muffins by Carol Green

Zucchini Walnut Muffin***Before you read about these moist, delicious, healthy muffins -- Project Food Blog Challenge Two is open for voting! Please take a minute to vote for Uncovering Food. Voting closes September 30 at 5pm PST***Whenever I go to Starbucks (which is more often than most), I long for the baked pastries in the glass…

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Uncovering Uthappam: Celebrating Cultural Classics

Uncovering Uthappam: Celebrating Cultural Classics by Carol Green

Uthappams with Onion, Tomato, and CorianderWhen I was younger, I was a very picky eater. My parents were not okay with this. They wanted to expose me to a variety of foods and to try everything. I remember a couple of nights where my dad would tell me that I could just go hungry if I didn't want to eat what was for dinner. I probably…

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