Yes! Soup For You..Plus The Rules POf The Game. Win a Ceramic Chicken Cooker From Early Morning Pottery!

Yes! Soup For You..Plus The Rules POf The Game. Win a Ceramic Chicken Cooker From Early Morning Pottery! by kathy gori

I love Meatless Monday. One reason is because it overlaps into Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday too! Whee! Leftovers. Soup is a natural for left over meals. Especially chilled summer soups like the one I prepared yesterday. This soup involves no…

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Meatless Monday, Take The Corn Off The Cob!

Meatless Monday, Take The Corn Off The Cob! by kathy gori

What should greet us this morning as we returned from our early morning coffee run to the Basque Boulangerie but a large turkey vulture sitting on the branch of a tree looking down at our house. "Whoa!" I thought. What a kickoff to Meatless Monday. Whatever that big bird was looking for, he was not going to find it in my kitchen…

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Meatless Humpday! Not Your Grandpas' Spinach Salad!

Meatless Humpday! Not Your Grandpas' Spinach Salad! by kathy gori

Who says the only meatless day is Monday? The middle of the week, when things get crazy is also the time for something fast and simple that doesn't involve turning on the stove. This is about a spinach salad that makes up in minutes, has interesting flavors and is not like your average spinach salad. I learned about this from one of…

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The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special

The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special by kathy gori

I'm loving this whole meatless Monday business. It's great to take a break from the same old same old. One of my food blogger friends Jeroxie at Addictive and Consuming, had a post up last night where she was describing some simply divine potato and pea samosas made with filo dough. I had no business reading it at that hour as I was…

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The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite

The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite by kathy gori

Still getting whipped around by the weather here in Sonoma. We've gone from perfect warm spring weather to hail and rain, to sun lashed by cloudbursts and windy gusts. Last night my little olive tree blew over. Time to replant. This morning it's crisp,…

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Got Carrot Salad? Got 20 Minutes?

Got Carrot Salad? Got 20 Minutes? by kathy gori

I love stuff that's fast and easy. These are the recipes that are lifesavers especially when "stuff" happens, for lack of a better word. Dishes that are versatile, and inexpensive to prepare and can be prepared ahead of time are even better. I was looking for that sort of thing this week, after the whole Film Festival craziness and…

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Cool As A Cucumber Salad!

Cool As A Cucumber Salad! by kathy gori

Summer weather is definitely here which brings about all sorts of grilling type activities, cook outs, and pot luck get togethers. When the perfect light side dish is called for why not break away from the regular old cole slaw, potato salad nexus and make your side dish a Bollywood star. Here in Sonoma, the heart of California…

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Eat Your Lawn!

Eat Your Lawn! by kathy gori

There was a very fancy Chinese restaurant in Beverly Hills . One of the specialties was referred to as "fried greens". All the beautiful people would practically line up to make reservations and order the "fried greens". A secret recipe, they never told anybody what it was. Then one day someone mentioned how every Friday all the…

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