Raspberry-Lemon Whoopie Pies

Raspberry-Lemon Whoopie Pies by Joann Mathias

1 vote
Petits Pots de Pain

Petits Pots de Pain by Joann Mathias

2 votes
Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins

Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins by Erin S

Chocolate Muffins studded with Peanut Butter Chips

2 votes
Cranberry Couscous

Cranberry Couscous by Carolinaheartstrings

love couscous and thought this recipe would be so tasty, and a new and different side dish for my Thanksgiving meal. The tangy sweetness of the dried cranberry is the perfect pairing with turkey and the slight nuttiness of the pistachio is just wonderful. I cannot wait to have this the next day with my leftover turkey!

2 votes
Hint of Peanut Butter ~ Brownies

Hint of Peanut Butter ~ Brownies by Catherine Pappas

These are easy to whip up and are a delicious treat! Enjoy with Love, Catherine xo

1 vote
White Chocolate Butterscotch Blondies

White Chocolate Butterscotch Blondies by Erin S

Blondies full of white chocolate chips and butterscotch chips

2 votes
Creamed Potatoes

Creamed Potatoes by Carolinaheartstrings

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with that all the wonderful foods that we traditionally make and eat and love! This month Alessa’s and my recipes will be a new twist on the old favorites. If your family is anything like mine mashed potatoes and gravy are a must have at our feast. I generally make mashed potatoes the…

1 vote
Cinnamon or Chocolate Donut Bundt Muffins

Cinnamon or Chocolate Donut Bundt Muffins by Beth Roan

Taylor likes normal donuts, Megan likes Dunkin' Donuts. No one ever wants the same thing. I'm not sure how I got so lucky, but I finally found donuts they both like! They have been asking me to make these every weekend. I think they are much better with just the cinnamon. But Taylor prefers the chocolate.

1 vote
Nutella Muffins

Nutella Muffins by Carolinaheartstrings

Okay, I admit I am slightly obsessed with Nutella. So much so really, that I don’t keep it in the house… . . . AT ALL unless I have to have it to use in a recipe. I brought home a jar to use in a recipe I was taking to a party and this particular recipe did not use the whole jar . . . . . . OMG (you can see where this could go…

1 vote