Polenta Squares with Gorgonzola - Crostoni al Gorgonzola

Polenta Squares with Gorgonzola - Crostoni al Gorgonzola by Evelyn Scott

Fried polenta is a great treat, a snacking food of the sort one can go to a friggitoria and buy a cone of -- the frier takes a sheet of yellow butcher's paper, rolls it into a cone, and fills it with squares of polenta. But polenta is also a nice accompaniment to other fried foods at table, and is a perfect base for toppings of…

2 votes
Roasted Squash with Onion, Oregano & Mint

Roasted Squash with Onion, Oregano & Mint by La Tavola Marche (farm, inn & cooking school)

A new spin on squash: oregano & mint instead of cinnamon & nutmeg. This is one of my favorite Mario Batali recipes - best used with butternut squash or turban pumpkins the meaty flesh makes for a hearty fall dish.

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