Turkey and Tomato Tagine

Turkey and Tomato Tagine by brady evans

(new photo added 7/11)I went to bed at 8:15 last night. This behavior isn’t all together out of the ordinary for me, though, as my closest comrades probably know. There’s nothing wrong with liking your sleep, right? And it is perfect because the Omnivore likes his shut-eye, too. The thing about last night, though, was that it was…

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Thai Chicken Salad

Thai Chicken Salad by brady evans

It is pretty much the dead of winter here in the Branny household. The snow is barely escapable:And it wouldn’t be so bad if we lived in a part of the country that owned a snow plow:Clearly we don’t.And we’ve all got a bad case of winter blues. Except of course for our dog Blue herself, who quite likes roughing it in the winter:So to…

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Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake by brady evans

Let me just reiterate this fact: the Omnivore is a patient man.He displays this characteristic nearly every evening before dinner. I always call him into the dining room, he gets drinks and silverware together, and then I start photographing. And photographing. And repositioning. And photographing.And meanwhile he’s salivating.…

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Crockpot Turkey Meatballs and Spaghetti Sauce

Crockpot Turkey Meatballs and Spaghetti Sauce by brady evans

There are certain characteristics of recipes that will make me veto ever making them. It’s crazy, really, but if a recipe calls for browning meat before adding it to the crockpot, there’s not a chance in heck I’ll ever make it.First of all, I’m trying to replace serious cooking in lieu of just plain dumping when it comes to…

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Boston Baked Beans (vegetarian)

Boston Baked Beans (vegetarian) by brady evans

If you Google “Boston Baked Beans” you are returned about 230,000 search results. Woah. First of all, without the internet, how on earth would I have found a recipe for this American classic? No one in my family is even from Boston.Oh yeah. Cookbooks.But that might lead me with 3 or 4 recipe versions to choose from. And…

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Buttermilk Avocado Soup

Buttermilk Avocado Soup by brady evans

Alright people. Gather up all the recipes you’ve hoarded away in a secret file folder (or, in this day and age, folder on your desktop) that call for buttermilk.I know; you’re just like me. You see wonderful sounding recipes for pancakes, muffins, and cakes that call for buttermilk and you loathe having to buy a quart of the stuff…

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Apple Cinnamon Oats

Apple Cinnamon Oats by brady evans

What makes a food your favorite food? Is it the way it tastes or how frequently you eat it?I love oatmeal. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t eat it as often as I do. I think I like the way ice cream tastes better, though. So if it based on taste, I’ll go with the ice cream (by the way, I just typed basted twice before I could get out…

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Bacon, Egg, and Toast Cups

Bacon, Egg, and Toast Cups by brady evans

Preparing breakfast for overnight guests is always tricky for me.There’s always the crowd pleasing pancakes and waffles, but of course that leaves me stuck in the kitchen.And then there’s the issue of battling guilt laden, calorie heavy breakfasts with my natural tendencies towards lighter fare.These little gems, however, kind of…

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Basil Whole Wheat Pasta

Basil Whole Wheat Pasta by brady evans

People find it pretty weird when they witness the Omnivore’s and my interactions with our two dogs.Flo doesn’t leave my ankle. Blue only answers to my husband’s whistle.One master per dog – that’s how dogs roll.It isn’t that I love Blue, the Omnivore’s dog, less than I love my own. The prospect of either one of them dying can get me…

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Mexican Lasagna – Tortilla Pie

Mexican Lasagna – Tortilla Pie by brady evans

When I was new to cooking if I ran across a recipe that called for chili powder and ancho chili powder I would have simply added those amounts together and dumped in the cheapest store brand chili powder I had on hand.I have found the light in both respects. Chili powder is something that really, really can be wonderful or be pretty…

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Sweet Potato and Kale Soup with Kidney Beans

Sweet Potato and Kale Soup with Kidney Beans by brady evans

It is weird how your tastes change. When I was a kid, picking up pinecones in the yard was the worst form of torture imaginable. Now, I look forward to doing chores outside around the farm.(Don’t let me fool you, this actually isn’t my farm. I took this picture while running 26.2 miles in honor of Sherry this past Saturday.…

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Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Dough Parfait

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Dough Parfait by brady evans

I’ve been taunting myself with this recipe for a few weeks now. I don’t know how I stumbled upon it, but I did, and I left the picture and recipe open on my browser for days and days. I waffled back and forth – make it, don’t make it, make it.The most important part of this recipe is your measuring cup. And I’m not talking about…

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Pasta with Clam Sauce

Pasta with Clam Sauce by brady evans

I was talking to my husband over the phone the other day and telling him how I was on my way home from the grocery store. He asked me what I’d purchased and I responded with “zucchini and clams.” He laughed.He didn’t think I was serious.I walked into the grocery store, planning to get ingredients for lasagna and burritos, and walked…

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Tahini Roasted Cauliflower

Tahini Roasted Cauliflower by brady evans

You know those magazine subscriptions that you get for a good deal and that hold onto your credit card number so that the subscription can be easily renewed the next year (at, unfortunately, a higher rate)?Yeah, not me. I don’t hate it one darn bit. My mom, on the other hand, who got weaseled into accidentally buying me another…

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Cucumber Cups with Black Beans

Cucumber Cups with Black Beans by brady evans

The Omnivore was heading out of the town the other morning right as I was kneading the dough for whole wheat oatmeal bread. He was a little surprised to see me hard at work making homemade bread when clearly he was not going to be home to enjoy it.I was also throwing a dozen eggs into a giant pot on the stove to make egg salad and…

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