Green Beans With Coconut Coating!

Green Beans With Coconut Coating! by kathy gori

Now that the NBA finals are over and done, it's back to normal food around here. I've temporarily put away the pizza and am taking advantage of all the great fruits and vegetables available right now. Let's put it another way. After the NBA finals I have to put the pizza away. Ok? Enough said. One vegetable that always seems to be…

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Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic!

Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic! by kathy gori

One thing I love about fixing a tandoori chicken lunch is the simplicity. Once the chicken has been marinated, nothing goes better with this dish than a bread some pickled cucumbers and one veg. The most likely vegetable to find on my tandoori table is cauliflower. Especially when I can get a beautiful organic one for 99 cents!…

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Smoke Your Yogurt!

Smoke Your Yogurt! by kathy gori

Ever since I was a kid, I've been a sucker for flamboyant table gestures. You know what I'm talking about. The Caesar salad made at the table, the flaming Cherries Jubilee, the blazing Baked Alaska, all those guys at Benihana flinging sharp knives around. Drama! So it was the gesture I was looking for last night. Paula Wolfert was…

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It's In The Bag. Perfect Potatoes In 45 Minutes...No, Really!

It's In The Bag. Perfect Potatoes In 45 Minutes...No, Really! by kathy gori

As most food bloggers, I'm always searching for the glamour shot. Not for myself mind you, that coal barge sailed a long time ago. I'm looking for sexy food. I'm looking for the glimmer on a tomato, the flash of a fishes' scales, the beady dew drop on…

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The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite

The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite by kathy gori

Still getting whipped around by the weather here in Sonoma. We've gone from perfect warm spring weather to hail and rain, to sun lashed by cloudbursts and windy gusts. Last night my little olive tree blew over. Time to replant. This morning it's crisp,…

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Roasted Succotash In Corn Husks

Roasted Succotash In Corn Husks by Joann Mathias

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Quick And Creamy, Super Dreamy, Cauliflower Curry!

Quick And Creamy, Super Dreamy, Cauliflower Curry! by kathy gori

Friday, April 23, 2010 Fast And Creamy, Super Dreamy, Cauliflower Curry Let's get this up front right now. I am cheap. If I can get a bargain, I do. I love nothing more than something that I can get for 99 cents. Unless I can get it for 89 cents ! Make it organic and 89 cents and I'm in, baby! This was the situation with…

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One Pot Rice And Dal Combo. Another Simple Indian Party Dish

One Pot Rice And Dal Combo. Another Simple Indian Party Dish by kathy gori

My last few posts have been concentrated on the Tri-fecta extravaganza we held for my parents last week; toss in Easter and we had the Godmother of all Italian dinners. So now it's back to Indian cuisine and one of the dishes I served two weeks ago…

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Creamed Spinach With An Edge

Creamed Spinach With An Edge by kathy gori

I was a weird kid. I loved spinach. It was always my favorite vegetable and I probably could have eaten it three times a day. I'm talking regular steamed spinach here, nothing fancy, no extras. My family is Italian from Florence and if there's anything a Florentine loves, it's spinach! We put it in soup, ravioli, torta and of course…

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No Touch Turnips Paula Wolferts' Way

No Touch Turnips Paula Wolferts' Way by kathy gori

This seems to be the week of no touch, no stir, nearly hands off cooking. Easter became a menu of simple, down home Italian dishes that I felt I just had to share even if they're off topic from my usual Indian fare. How does someone get to be 91 years old without eating a turnip....ever? To what is that attributed? The fact that…

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