Recipes by The Frugal Hostess (Page 2)

United States United States Chef

FruHubs Food: Braised Short Ribs

FruHubs Food: Braised Short Ribs by The Frugal Hostess

PagesFruHubs has, once again, created a plate of delicious brown food. Eat up, buttercup.IngredientsDirections1. Preheat oven to 325°F.2. Heat two tablespoon of olive oil in a Dutch oven or heavy, large ovenproof pot over medium-high heat.3. Sprinkle ribs with coarse salt and pepper.4. Add to pot in single layer and sauté until…

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Review: Substituting Ingredients | The A to Z Kitchen Reference

Review: Substituting Ingredients | The A to Z Kitchen Reference by The Frugal Hostess

Have you ever heard a song that was so good you wanted to slap the person next to you for not listening hard enough? ["The Cool, Cool River" by Paul Simon] What about a movie that is so good you want to pass a law that makes it required viewing?…

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Blog Birthday Gifts: Delayed, But Not Forgotten

Blog Birthday Gifts: Delayed, But Not Forgotten by The Frugal Hostess

Remember how The Frugal Hostess had plans for lots of extravaganza-ing in honor of this blog's birthday? Then, remember how she got so sad and upset about the Gulf of Oilexico that she couldn't talk about anything for days and days, thus forgetting about any extravaganza-ing in honor of weeping and wailing? Well, maybe you don't…

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Dream Party: The Midnight Supper

Dream Party: The Midnight Supper by The Frugal Hostess

When she can't sleep, The Frugal Hostess tries to think happy thoughts. She usually mentally decorates her house for Christmas, sparing no expense, with the thinking that putting up Christmas decorations is a better way to lull oneself to sleep than worrying about the Gulf of Oilexico or something. When the decorations are all up…

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White Sangria Recipe

White Sangria Recipe by The Frugal Hostess

The Frugal Husband frequently forces The Frugal Hostess to drink really, really cheap white wine. He also forces her to drink really cheap red wine, but the white wine is what gives her heartburn. It tastes good, but the acidity? grapes? wineyness of it? gets old after the first glass. So, here is a way to transform cheapo white…

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Recipe for a New BFF

Recipe for a New BFF by The Frugal Hostess

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Frugal Hostess is delighted to introduce today's guest blogger, Rachel Bertsche. Rachel blogs about her adventures in finding a new best friend at MWF Seeking BFF, and she's also writing a book by the same title. While Rachel is not at all as snarky, obnoxious, and big-mouthed as The Frugal Hostess tends to…

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Gremlin Book Review + Cocktail Recipes

Gremlin Book Review + Cocktail Recipes by The Frugal Hostess

Well, The Frugal Hostess keeps getting sent these amazingly beautiful books about cooking and drinking. For free. It just keeps on happening. Amazing.The first, Organic, Shaken and Stirred by Paul Abercrombie, has some amazingly creative ideas for drinks, whether you're a freak about organic ingredients (as you should be) or not.…

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Wherein THIS Blog Post Saves a Life

Wherein THIS Blog Post Saves a Life by The Frugal Hostess

Has it really been since August 23? Really??? Yikes.There's been a lot going on in FruHo land. Because she recently saw some bloggers comparing a list post to an exercise for slow kids, and because she just cannot physically resist picking a scab like that kind of comment, and because she is herself a slow kid, here is a…

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Slow Carb Recipes Tim Ferriss Would Like

Slow Carb Recipes Tim Ferriss Would Like by The Frugal Hostess

The Frugal Hostess, like most women, is on a diet. Dieting is cheaper than mammoplasty, so that's where she's landed. In an effort to do the least complicated and simultaneously most effective thing, FruHo is following Tim Ferriss's slow carb diet, as outlined in his book, The 4-Hour Body. Listen, there's a great chance that this…

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The Year in Review

The Year in Review by The Frugal Hostess

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?At this time last year, FruPa was very, very sick, and TFH's resolution was to never eat, drink, or talk again as long as he got well. He got well, and FruHo has been eating, drinking, and talking…

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