Recipes by Pink Parsley

The Ultimate Strawberry Margarita

The Ultimate Strawberry Margarita by Pink Parsley

Fruity margaritas can be a hard sell. Make it too fruity and sweet, and it's off-putting for margarita purists. Make it not fruity or sweet, and it's off-putting to everyone else. Strawberries can also be hard to incorporate into drinks because they can be bland and watery if not in their prime season. So while a strawberry…

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Crockpot Beef and Barley Soup

Crockpot Beef and Barley Soup by Pink Parsley

Oh boy. The past week in our house has been pretty miserable. Tuesday morning, Tucker was sent home from school with a fever. Wednesday, he was diagnosed with the flu. Thursday morning, Henry was sent home with a fever, and the flu followed. Saturday afternoon, Joey and I both succumbed to the flu. Not fun. Knocking on wood,…

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Sausage and Cheese Biscuits

Sausage and Cheese Biscuits by Pink Parsley

This is one of those recipes that I've been holding out on you guys. My pal Elly posted these biscuits almost two years ago, and I've made them at least dozen times since. I make them when we have house guests. I make them and freeze for quick and easy breakfasts. They have become my go-to breakfast item when attending a pot luck…

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Farmer's Market Roasted Vegetable Salad

Farmer's Market Roasted Vegetable Salad by Pink Parsley

Do you go to the farmer's market over the weekend? We love going on Saturday mornings. The kids get to eat popsicles and crepes, and I get to peruse the stalls and pick out beautiful produce, fresh flowers, good meats, eggs, cheese… it's pretty much my favorite time of the week. Oftentimes I have a plan of what to buy, and what I'm…

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Baked Penne with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce and Goat Cheese

Baked Penne with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce and Goat Cheese by Pink Parsley

Some flavors and ingredients just inherently go together, and in my humble opinion, roasted red peppers and goat cheese are one of them. I've been making this pasta for the past two years, and I'm sorry to say that I'm only now sharing it with you.The sauce is a simple roasted red pepper sauce, with the addition of some cheese,…

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(Creamless) Creamy Asparagus Soup

(Creamless) Creamy Asparagus Soup by Pink Parsley

When asparagus is in season, I buy a few bundles of it every week - we roast or grill it as a side, use it in various salads, pasta, and rice dishes, and eat an egg over it for breakfast or lunch. However, I've never used it for soup. But I've had plenty of other creamy pureed veggie soups, so why not, right? And if it can be…

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Warm Chocolate-Raspberry Pudding Cake

Warm Chocolate-Raspberry Pudding Cake by Pink Parsley

Which do you like better? A super rich chocolate cake, or a molten lava cake? Just kidding, you don't have to choose if you make this warm chocolate-raspberry pudding cake. This thing is pretty amazing. Oh and I forgot to mention - it's self-frosting, so after you are tortured by the smell of it baking, you just invert it onto…

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(Crockpot) Spanish Chicken & Saffron Stew

(Crockpot) Spanish Chicken & Saffron Stew by Pink Parsley

While I will never ever be a fan of winter or cold weather, I am a fan of soup, stew, and chili. And I'm an even bigger fan of having dinner ready at 5pm on the dot and barely having lifted a finger. Therefore, crockpot recipes are like my BFF. And this crockpot recipe is REALLY my BFF, because it is one of the most low-maintenance…

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Pizza Wheels

Pizza Wheels by Pink Parsley

I spent the day giving lots and lots of cuddles to my boys, baking Caroline a fun after school treat, and counting down the minutes until it was time to meet her at the bus stop. And just as she boarded the bus and went off to school all-smiles, she was all-smiles when she got home too! The day was a resounding success, and I loved…

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