Recipes by kathy gori (Page 2)

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South Indian Shrimp Dish!

South Indian Shrimp Dish! by kathy gori

I've been cooking Indian food for about 20 years. I don't cook it everyday but I do cook it almost every day. As a result I'm always looking for new recipes, or new (to me) ways of doing old traditional ones. I recently discovered the joys of fast cooking with shrimp. A friend tipped me off to a frozen shrimp sale at our local…

1 vote
Squash Blossoms, The Edible Flowers And How To Fix Them

Squash Blossoms, The Edible Flowers And How To Fix Them by kathy gori

This is the time of year when squash blossoms are found in Farmers Markets all around Sonoma. If you've never cooked or eaten squash blossoms, well then you've missed one of the big pleasures of the summer garden. I first had these as a kid when I was still in the "eeewwww we're eating flowers?" phase. They're a big favorite among…

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Anyone Can Pickle! Cherries, Sweet, Spicy and Fast!

Anyone Can Pickle! Cherries, Sweet, Spicy and Fast! by kathy gori

I've always been interested in pickles, preserving and canning. I guess it's my inner squirrel speaking. The little squeaky voice in my head in the middle of summer that says "save all those wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables you see now, its going to be a long cold winter". I love looking into my larder when the rain is…

3 votes
Cauliflower, Baby Potatoes, and Heirloom Tomatoes, Oh My!

Cauliflower, Baby Potatoes, and Heirloom Tomatoes, Oh My! by kathy gori

I love vegetarian meals, hell, I love almost everything except mayonnaise which fortunately doesn't figure in Indian cooking. One of the greatest compliments I can get at home is when my husband says.."I'm a carnivore, but damn this is really really good. I could just eat this stuff." Of course "this stuff" is vegetables. This is the…

4 votes
Full Of Beans! A Great Barbecue Side Dish.

Full Of Beans! A Great Barbecue Side Dish. by kathy gori

Beans. What can I say about beans? That they're delicious, economical, easy to prepare, store well for Armageddon and are super tasty??? Yes, they're all that and a bag of kale. In fact they go great with kale, but that's another issue. Beans are nutritious, high in fiber and a great source of protein. Which brings me back to…

2 votes
The Buona Pasqua Lunch and The Secret Of No Stir Polenta

The Buona Pasqua Lunch and The Secret Of No Stir Polenta by kathy gori

Easter around our house is like the Tri-fecta of family holidays. Not only is there the big celebration of Easter, a huge deal in Italian households. But at Casa Gori, we also add in my parents anniversary and this year, my fathers' 91st birthday. Last year for his 90th, he got an iPod. Probably he was the oldest iPod owner out there…

7 votes
World Class Tomato Salad For A World Cup Final Match

World Class Tomato Salad For A World Cup Final Match by kathy gori

All Saturday before the World Cup was to be played I had Tapas on my mind. Maybe it was Spain being in the finals, maybe it was that psychic octopus from the German zoo. Who knows why one gets tapas on the brain, but there they were. So did that make me go on a quest for tapas? No. It did make me go looking for a recipe for that days'…

1 vote
Slow Cooked Bangla Beef In Clay

Slow Cooked Bangla Beef In Clay by kathy gori

I cook 7 days a week. I cook because I love it. I cook because with my writing I work out of my house. There was one brief period when we decided to have an office at a studio. We were working at Warner Bros and they said, "you guys want an office?" so we said, "sure". Well, having an office meant actually having to put pants on…

3 votes
The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special

The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special by kathy gori

I'm loving this whole meatless Monday business. It's great to take a break from the same old same old. One of my food blogger friends Jeroxie at Addictive and Consuming, had a post up last night where she was describing some simply divine potato and pea samosas made with filo dough. I had no business reading it at that hour as I was…

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Meatless Monday, Take The Corn Off The Cob!

Meatless Monday, Take The Corn Off The Cob! by kathy gori

What should greet us this morning as we returned from our early morning coffee run to the Basque Boulangerie but a large turkey vulture sitting on the branch of a tree looking down at our house. "Whoa!" I thought. What a kickoff to Meatless Monday. Whatever that big bird was looking for, he was not going to find it in my kitchen…

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