Recipes by Dennis Kraus (Page 10)

United States United States Chef

Pork Tenderloins with Figs

Pork Tenderloins with Figs by Dennis Kraus

Last week I wrote about making the Hazelnut Toffee Cheesecake for a going-away party for a neighbor on Sunday. I am happy to report the brunch was a huge success; a lot of work, as brunches are, but a good time. In preparing for the brunch I had to come up with food that could be made in advance, great tasting and fork tender; as…

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Recipe of the Week - Hazelnut Toffee Cheesecake

Recipe of the Week - Hazelnut Toffee Cheesecake by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Hazelnut Toffee CheesecakeJanuary 27, 2014 at 11:12 am(From the Dessert Collection at Toffee CheesecakeOne of the benefits of making homemade hazelnut toffee at Christmas is that I have a bag of smaller, broken pieces saved in the freezer. So, with a weekend brunch planned it is time to…

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Recipe of the Week - Shrimp Dip

Recipe of the Week - Shrimp Dip by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Shrimp DipJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:00 pm(From the Appetizer Collection at DipWhenever we decide to have a small plates night the discussion always is, ” how many and which ones”. No matter how many times we entertain we always try to have new dishes for our guests. The other night the…

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Recpe of the Week - Zabaglione with Mixed Berries

Recpe of the Week - Zabaglione with Mixed Berries by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Zabaglione with Mixed BerriesJanuary 13, 2014 at 12:36 pm(From the Dessert Collection at with Mixed BerriesOur new neighbors and their family came over on Saturday to have, what we call, a typical Italian meal. I made chicken cacciatore, only with a white wine sauce; a dish that was…

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Hearty Beef Bourguignon

Hearty Beef Bourguignon by Dennis Kraus

From the Beef Entrée Collection at As the old song says, "Baby its cold outside". The cold winds from the north have brought sub-zero weather to the Ohio valley. The best way to deal with this is to stay in, if possible, and put something on the stove that will warm your soul as well as your body. A pot of beef…

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Recipe of the Week - Bistro Chicken, WOW (Watching Our Waists)

Recipe of the Week - Bistro Chicken, WOW (Watching Our Waists) by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Bistro Chicken, WOW (Watching Our Waists)December 30, 2013 at 5:06 pm(From the WOW (Watching our Waists) Collection at Bistro ChickenI was debating what recipe to put up for the last post of this year. I could…

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Recipe of the Week - Mahogany Onions

Recipe of the Week - Mahogany Onions by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Mahogany OnionsDecember 23, 2013 at 5:19 pm(From the Vegetable Collection at OnionsOur friends from Virginia were in town visiting for a few days and as always it was a foodfest. The grand finale was on Sunday night with 2 1/2 inch rib eye steaks, grilled Pittsburgh, black on the outside,…

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Recipe of the Week - A Semi-rant and Recipe

Recipe of the Week - A Semi-rant and Recipe by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – A Semi-rant and RecipeDecember 18, 2013 at 10:33 amI was reading the NY Times Front Burner section this morning and an article entitled “Large Cookbooks Require Some Time to Digest” caught my eye. The main theme is those beautiful, fantastically photographed, large format cookbooks are great for your coffee table…

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Recipe of the Week - Macaroon Jam Tarts

Recipe of the Week - Macaroon Jam Tarts by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Macaroon Jam TartsDecember 16, 2013 at 1:17 pm(From the Dessert Collection at Jam TartsI finished my Christmas Gift Boxes with all the candies, cookies and breads and am just about done delivering them . These macaroons are great as they use all the leftover eggs whites you have from all…

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Recipe of the Week - Spiced Pecans

Recipe of the Week - Spiced Pecans by Dennis Kraus

Recipe of the Week – Spiced PecansDecember 8, 2013 at 4:00 pm(From the Misc Collection at PecansIts time to begin making all those special treats I make at Christmas to give to friends. The recipe for these comes from my mother-in-law, who has been making them for as long as I can remember. They are very easy…

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