CEVICHE! ~ Costa Rican Style

CEVICHE! ~ Costa Rican Style by Amos Miller

My buddy, Ed, of Puerto Rican descent, spent his time in the Air Force in Central and South America. Ed's favorite dish: ceviche! He tells endless tales of trying ceviche, which is seafoods 'cooked' in nothing but citrus juice. Ed always said that the ceviche he would eat by the gallon, if he could get it, was that he had in Costa…

7 votes
Zucchini Pie

Zucchini Pie by Joanne

Cooking along with Carla and I'm calling it FOFF Thursday. Check out this weeks recipe: A light, easy but totally tasty Zucchini Pie.

1 vote
Creole Crabmeat Pie

Creole Crabmeat Pie by Amos Miller

While this wonderful recipe is often used as a stuffing for everything from zucchini to fish to chicken and pork, try it iinside your favorite pie crust for a show stopping entree. You can also use it as an appetizer in minature pie shells for a great party treat. This treat can be served out of the oven or out of the refrigerator.…

3 votes
Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad)

Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad) by Frank Fariello

Mid-August, when the temperatures climb to tropical heights, is a time when the enthusiasm of even the most avid cook can begin to wane. Italians often turn to easily prepared dishes that need minimal or no actually cooking. Salads are an obvious choice, and rice salads are a favorite. Not only are they delicious, but they are easy to…

3 votes
Scallops in a snap

Scallops in a snap by Joanne

Easy Eats: Scallops are one of the easiest meals to put on the table. If you are short on time, cook scallops.

2 votes
Blackened Tilapia

Blackened Tilapia by Frank Fariello

You may be thinking that we eat nothing but rich Italian dishes in our house. Well, it is true that we mostly eat Italian--and why not, no other cuisine that I know of has so many dishes that are quick, easy, healthy and, to my taste at least, delicious. But from time to time I do branch out and prepare other kinds of food. Here's a…

1 vote
Spaghetti alla cipolla rossa e alici

Spaghetti alla cipolla rossa e alici by Frank Fariello

This was not a dish my grandmother Angelina ever made, as far as I know, but it is certainly the kind of pasta-cum-vegetable dish that formed the foundation of her culinary repertoire. The robust flavor and texture of the onion and anchovy sauce would go well with other long pasta shapes like linguine or even bucatini.

1 vote
Filetti di pesce all'acqua pazza

Filetti di pesce all'acqua pazza by Frank Fariello

Acqua pazza, or 'crazy water' is the humorous term for an extremely easy, but tasty way to poach fish--or, more specifically, to the poaching liquid.

4 votes
Tagliatelle al tonno e panna

Tagliatelle al tonno e panna by Frank Fariello

Here's a dish for iconoclasts: tagliatelle with tunafish simmered in butter, cream and parmesan cheese—a dish that violates one of the cardinal rules of Italian cooking: never mix fish and aged cheese. But this may be one of those exceptions that prove the rule, as the result is really very good.

1 vote
Smoked Salmon Carpaccio

Smoked Salmon Carpaccio by Frank Fariello

Here's an elegant yet very quick and easy starter that suits just about any menu: a 'carpaccio' of smoked salmon, dressed simply with oil and lemon.

1 vote