Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad)

Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad) by Frank Fariello

Mid-August, when the temperatures climb to tropical heights, is a time when the enthusiasm of even the most avid cook can begin to wane. Italians often turn to easily prepared dishes that need minimal or no actually cooking. Salads are an obvious choice, and rice salads are a favorite. Not only are they delicious, but they are easy to…

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Appetizers from Valencia -Cod dumplings

Appetizers from Valencia -Cod dumplings by chefgonin

Valencia is a Mediterranean city in the cuisine culture is very important, do you know the Valencian recipes?, Discover them in

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Cous Cous Salad

Cous Cous Salad by Denise Sherin

I love Cous-Cous and this salad is a nice change from cous- cous as a side dish. Its great cold or room temp. I used to make it with a white wine vinaigrette, but it doesn't need it. So now I just offer some raspberry vinaigrette on the side for those who want it but most people eat it plain. I will include the vinaigrette recipe…

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