Microwave Your Own Popcorn In a Bag Is Safer than Store Bought?

Microwave Your Own Popcorn In a Bag Is Safer than Store Bought? by Claudia lamascolo

In the last few years it has been in the news, researched over and over, it is not recommended to purchased those premade bags of microwave popcorn and could cause lung issues. READ on video on the blog to follow. Here is a simple way to make it at…

2 votes
Salted Caramel Chai Latté

Salted Caramel Chai Latté by Robyn Savoie

A Salted Caramel Chai Latté is the perfect combination of sweet and savory in a cup. Try this recipe made with Elephant Vanilla Chai to complement your favorite holiday feast.

1 vote
Reuben Hot Dog

Reuben Hot Dog by Glenn

Super fast microwave treat combining Americana and class on a bun. Admittedly I stole the idea from my local hardware store (which happens to have a fine cafe inside it) but I have made it microwave fast. You can be enjoying a gustatorial treat in just minutes.

1 vote
Leftover Pizza

Leftover Pizza by Glenn

Cleaning out the refrigerator can yield a personal pan pizza and a never ending treat for bored taste buds. The estimated cost is off by 100% since it is all leftovers and the calorie and content list is to be ignored. This recipe is for having fun with. So there.

1 vote
Speedy Perch

Speedy Perch by Kirsti Fagerström

I hope you cooked potatoes before ...

1 vote
Maple Moose Pumpkin Chai Latté

Maple Moose Pumpkin Chai Latté by Robyn Savoie

Get a taste of the season with a Maple Moose Pumpkin Chai Latté. Begin with David Rio's Maple Moose Chai and add your favorite pumpkin syrup all year round!

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