Recipes rated by Gianni Sesto

Italy Italy Chef

Spaghettini with seaweed on the coast of Black Sea Ognina, limpets and sea lard seasoned with olive giarresche Piedimonte Etneo, Sicilian oregano, extra virgin olive Syracuse.

Spaghettini with seaweed on the coast of Black Sea Ognina, limpets and sea lard seasoned with olive giarresche Piedimonte Etneo, Sicilian oregano, extra virgin olive Syracuse. by GianMaria Le Mura

A composition made with seal algae typical Ripostes. Among the water tower Archirafi and bottom of the harbor. Catania and countries province offer in addition to…

16 votes
"Beautiful Night" on the tile, with friarielli_crudi, cherry tomatoes, and pouff_di_neonata Ionica

"Beautiful Night" on the tile, with friarielli_crudi, cherry tomatoes, and pouff_di_neonata Ionica by GianMaria Le Mura

It 'a recipe created for the Sicilian territory with style Feng Shu. Is summed with very simple ingredients.

25 votes

Toccamisù by GianMaria Le Mura

Toccamisù ... a variation on tiramisu with the flavors of Sicily

15 votes
Bass boat of the coast Ripostes, smoked salt and the first hay and alfalfa valleys Iblee with salicornia and potatoes.

Bass boat of the coast Ripostes, smoked salt and the first hay and alfalfa valleys Iblee with salicornia and potatoes. by GianMaria Le Mura

Recipe created for the very curious and Sicily as well Ripostes

5 votes