Eggless Chocolate and Walnut Scones

Eggless Chocolate and Walnut Scones by Hina Gujral

These scottish beauties are so easy to bake at home and it's just a matter of few minutes when scones are in your table straight from the oven. In my definition, scones are something between cookie and a muffin, the crumbly outer texture reminds of cookie and softer interior is more like muffin.

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Homemade White Butter

Homemade White Butter by Hina Gujral

You must be wondering why you should bother with making your own butter. There are actually several reasons! First, it's really easy and also you end up with a superior product, especially if you choose quality cream from the fresh milk. Though store bought butter is always there but that taste of farm freshness is missing and…

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Roasted Red Pepper Dip

Roasted Red Pepper Dip by Hina Gujral

Fresh roasted pepper is what makes this dip special; so don't substitute it with the canned ones. Roasting peppers is an easy job, if you've never tried it yet then this is the perfect opportunity, once you taste them, you'll wonder why you waited for so long.

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Jalebi Recipe

Jalebi Recipe by Hina Gujral

Jalebi Recipe, a conventional Indian sweet, which needs no defining introduction. This deep-fried pretzel like sweet – dish from India is well celebrated among the food lovers. The batter prepared with white flour defined into twisted and tangled concentric circles, deep-fried till crunchy and later dunked in saccharine sugar syrup.

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Cauliflower cheese patties

Cauliflower cheese patties by Monika

Cauliflower with a twist! These healthy vegetable patties are the perfect replacement for potatoes, rice or even salad!

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Eggless Banana Loaf Cake

Eggless Banana Loaf Cake by Hina Gujral

Eggless Banana Loaf Cake is a delicious, quick to bake, tea-time treat recipe, perfect for the gloomy November evenings. With some over-ripe banana sitting in the fridge, banana loaf cake is a nice idea to utilize them. We replaced butter with olive oil in the recipe to reduce the calorie count of this cake. I am a big time fan of…

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schberty by verdell harris

this is a very good dish you will love it

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