Chocolate & Orange Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache.

Chocolate & Orange Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache. by Chetana Suvarna Ganatra

The perfect way to sum up a winter meal is with this sinful, decadent chocolate cake. It is hard to resist the temptation of a piece of any chocolate cake and this orange flavored cake is just the same....very chocolaty and with the right amount of orange hint in the background. This cake is also too moist, spoiling you with a…

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Lovely Lamingtons

Lovely Lamingtons by Manju Nair

I wanted to add a sweet recipe before I take a break for a few months welcoming our new baby to this world... I've heard a lot about Lamingtons from our friends and was always curious to know what it tasted like, well I tried it and I must say Its gonna gonna go on my top-desserts-to-try list. Its an Australian cake, served usually…

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A Sweet Chocolaty Experience that made Baking Easy

A Sweet Chocolaty Experience that made Baking Easy by Nathan Willow

This simple chocolate cake recipe calls for innocence, eagerness to learn and an abundance of faith. I call this My Beginner's Plain Chocolate Cake Recipe. Heads up!

2 votes