Manchurian Roasted Cauliflower

Manchurian Roasted Cauliflower by Michael Swiney

Anyone want to know why an Indian dish is called Manchurian, which is Chinese? Well yawn through this while I bore you with my culture and cuisine genius: The cuisine is believed to have originated from the Chinese population of Calcutta, India and Chinese food is still popular there. At present, the Chinese population in Calcutta…

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Cauliflower & Potatoes ~ Indian style

Cauliflower & Potatoes ~ Indian style by Amos Miller

I have never been a really big fan of cauliflower, but I love potatoes and spices. This dish, known as 'Alu Ghobi', has long been a favorite vegetable side dish in my kitchen. It is simple, easy to make and very healthy for you. One seldom finds a cauliflower dish on the average restaurant menu. But you need not be a…

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Bye Bye Blues, A Quick And Spicy Bean Dish

Bye Bye Blues, A Quick And Spicy Bean Dish by kathy gori

I have a small confession to make. I love trick vegetables. You know what I'm talking about, the orange cauliflower, the red squash, the black garlic. So you can imagine my surprise and delight when the gang at Lunita Farm showed me a basket of dark purple green beans at the Saturday Farmers Market. I'd never seen anything like…

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Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto!

Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto! by kathy gori

This has been one hell of a week, one of those 7 day stretches that includes everything on lifes' smorgey...except dental. Of course the week's not over yet. It's been a week of some nerves, some loss, some traveling, some stress and the general sense of just being unable to catch up. That said, I can't wait for Monday to start the…

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Charred Eggplpant And Peas, A Perfect Barbecue Side Dish.

Charred Eggplpant And Peas, A Perfect Barbecue Side Dish. by kathy gori

Back where I come from when stuff gets charred and there's not a barbecue involved, it's not a good thing. Charring usually involved opening a lot of windows, smoke alarms, yelling and calling the local take out.."Don't Cook Tonight, Call Chicken Delight!" The idea of deliberately charring something may seem scary, but believe me…

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Cauliflower with 2 Kinds of Mustard Seed!

Cauliflower with 2 Kinds of Mustard Seed! by kathy gori

One of the things I love best about cooking is experimenting with new foods and new products. I love new stuff, stuff I've never seen before, stuff I might not have tried had someone not suggested it to me. that's how I got turned on to Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil. It started when a little birdie told me..ok, I got tweeted. I'd…

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World Cup Cabbage. Quick, Easy and Comforting When You Don't Make The Late Goal.

World Cup Cabbage. Quick, Easy and Comforting When You Don't Make The Late Goal. by kathy gori

I have to be honest here. I've never watched a soccer game. Basketball has always been my sport. The only reason that I've never really watched soccer is because like most citizens of the US of A, the TV machine has never told me to. But all of a…

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Green Beans With Coconut Coating!

Green Beans With Coconut Coating! by kathy gori

Now that the NBA finals are over and done, it's back to normal food around here. I've temporarily put away the pizza and am taking advantage of all the great fruits and vegetables available right now. Let's put it another way. After the NBA finals I have to put the pizza away. Ok? Enough said. One vegetable that always seems to be…

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Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic!

Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic! by kathy gori

One thing I love about fixing a tandoori chicken lunch is the simplicity. Once the chicken has been marinated, nothing goes better with this dish than a bread some pickled cucumbers and one veg. The most likely vegetable to find on my tandoori table is cauliflower. Especially when I can get a beautiful organic one for 99 cents!…

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Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway!

Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway! by kathy gori

I never was a big green bean fan growing up. Mainly because the beans I was usually served weren't green at all but rather grey and flabby, the 90 pound weaklings of beans. They didn't look like they were full of vitamins and raring to go to work on my system but rather as though they'd spent their short bean life couch-surfing and…

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