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Cherry Cream Pie Recipe
by Harold Watson

Cherry Cream Pie

Vanilla pudding and cherry pie filling make a great combination in a pie. Instant pudding will work for a no-cook pie, but the pudding you cook gives the pie a richer taste. I prefer a meringue top but whipped topping or angel-flake coconut are also great on this pie.

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  United States American
  Servings: 6


  • 1 Vanilla Pudding package
  • 1 Can Cherry Pie Filling
  • 1 pie crust - old fashioned, graham cracker, or vanilla wafer all work
  • Topping of your choice


  1. Prepare a pie crust or use a prepared graham cracker crust or vanilla wafer crust
  2. Cook the vanilla pudding or prepare an instant pudding
  3. After the pudding has set, add one can of Cherry Pie Filling
  4. Top with meringue and brown in a broiler or top with whipped topping
  5. For a different texture and taste top with angel flake coconut