This is a print preview of "Best Bleu Cheese Dressing" recipe.

Best Bleu Cheese Dressing Recipe
by Midnight Baker

Best Bleu Cheese DressingThe secret to this outstanding bleu cheese dressing is grating the cheese!

If you love bleu cheese dressing as much as I do, you'll flip for this one and never ever buy it again!

The secret to this is actually grating the cheese so you get few, if any, chunks of cheese. That tip I picked up from Chef John of AllRecipes.

Reduce the buttermilk and it's a dip!This way, the cheese just melts into the dressing so every drop is bursting with the flavor of the cheese. The chunks of cheese in most dressings just sink to the bottom anyway.

I didn't freeze and grate--I used my Ninja to process the cheese and it worked like a charm. Then I just added everything else and pulsed a few times. Not only is this delish, but it's pretty easy too.

It's also necessary to let this dressing chill in the fridge for about 24 hours so the tastes blend and infuse. It won't taste as good if you use it freshly made. Patience is a virtue that is well rewarded here.

Omitting or halving the buttermilk also makes this a dip or dipping sauce that's absolutely perfect for Buffalo wings.

Best Bleu Cheese Dressing

Place all ingredients in a Ninja or food processor and process until almost smooth.

Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.

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