Hubby's Meatballs and sauce recipe

Hubby's Meatballs and sauce recipe by Denise Sherin

My husband wanted to make something for dinner, so he decided to look online and find something to make. The first time he did that, it wasnt pretty! But this one was a hit, it was good. And he was very, very proud of himself!

1 vote
Fried Mozzarella Balls With Homemade Tomato Sauce

Fried Mozzarella Balls With Homemade Tomato Sauce by Jenny

A week or so back I had a chance to taste fried mozzarella balls with tomato sauce. These were served to us alongside with some other deep fried appetizers. The mozzarella balls were absolutely divine and I knew back then that I would be trying to copy them and get as close to the delicious flavours as possible. I haven’t even done…

1 vote
Italian Sloppy Joes

Italian Sloppy Joes by Mia Nardozzi

These started out as meatball subs from my grandmas recipe, but we wanted them now and not in 9- 12 hours so we just browned them instead slow cooking. Family favorite now and super quick

1 vote
Simple Family Lasagne

Simple Family Lasagne by Mihir Shah

This is a variation on Tara's lasagne - it's a healthier version of lasagne because you replace much of the cheese filling with lowfat cottage cheese. I've added a little ketchup and some bacon to give the flavor a bounce. I've also made this with my 6 year-old daughter. It's easy to make and a wonderful way to spend a half…

1 vote
Beef Hot Dog Giambotte

Beef Hot Dog Giambotte by Colleen Hogan

This was a quick and easy meal my mother prepared for us as children. It was simple and delicious. What kid does not like hot dogs?

1 vote
Alfredo Potato Finger Fries

Alfredo Potato Finger Fries by Evelyn Scott

2 votes
Fingerling Potato and Crispy Bacon Pizzas

Fingerling Potato and Crispy Bacon Pizzas by Evelyn Scott

Make your own signature pizzas using your favorite ingredients.

2 votes