Simple Sole Meuniere

Simple Sole Meuniere by Nancy Miyasaki

I seem to have a fetish with dover sole right now. It’s so plentiful and inexpensive, I keep looking for different ways to cook it. This easy recipe adapted from the barefoot contessa is really delicious. The slightly burnt flour in the butter gives it a nutty flavor with I just love. You can serve this with a simple rice or pasta…

3 votes
Potatoes With Parsley and Garlic - Pommes Parsillade

Potatoes With Parsley and Garlic - Pommes Parsillade by John Spottiswood

These are the fantastic potatoes you've probably had in a french bistro...the ones that weren't pommes frites (french fries). They are best served immediately when the crisp exterior contrasts so nicely with the warm, soft interior. We served these with a lentils and sausage recipe that I will post shortly. The combination was…

10 votes
Amazing Cranberry-Pumpkin Pastries

Amazing Cranberry-Pumpkin Pastries by Robyn Savoie

Every Fall I pick several "sugar pie pumpkins," bake them and freeze in 16 ounce increments. This way I have fresh pumpkin year around. Here is one way I used my pumpkin stash. I also love cranberries. Wisconsin is one of the leading producers of this little jewel. It is easily found year around, frozen, dried and prepackaged.…

1 vote
Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberry Ice Cream by K. Garner

More like gelato because there is little cream in it. It really highlights the strawberries. You may reduce sugar if your strawberries are sweet already.

1 vote
Roasted Pineapple Sauce

Roasted Pineapple Sauce by Jason Weaver

2 votes