Chinese Moon Cake

Chinese Moon Cake by Weining Wang

In Asian countries, most people believe that Spring Festival is the well-deserved king of festivals. Others, though, would give the title to Mid-Autumn Day, a festival that invariably makes Asians abroad miss their motherland. Mid-Autumn Day, which has been with Asians for centuries, became symbolic of people returning to their…

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Korean Pickled Vegetables with Garlic

Korean Pickled Vegetables with Garlic by hcgarlic

Korea is a kingdom for pickles; it has more than 100 kinds of pickles. Every year, Korea exports all kinds of pickles to many countries of the world. The pickles have white and red colors; the taste is sour, hot, salty and sweet. Garlic is the basic material to make pickles; Chinese garlic is the most popular in Korea.

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