How to mae black garlic

How to mae black garlic by chefgonin

On several occasions have you heard of black garlic and its almost miraculous properties for our body, but ...... You know it is and as it occurs ?. The black garlic is produced for the first time in Japan. Apparently a scientist began researching how to reduce the strong smell of common garlic ( Allium sativum ), so one of the…

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Vegetable Pakora

Vegetable Pakora by Aparna Anurag

Pakoras are created by taking one or two ingredients and dipping them in a batter of gram flour and then deep-frying them. When onions, on their own, are prepared in the same way, they are known as onionbhaji. A version of pakora made with wheat flour, salt, and tiny bits of potato or onion (optional) is called noon bariya (nūn=salt)…

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Chinese Tomato Salad

Chinese Tomato Salad by Chef Feiny

So easy......& So good.

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Korean Pickled Vegetables with Garlic

Korean Pickled Vegetables with Garlic by hcgarlic

Korea is a kingdom for pickles; it has more than 100 kinds of pickles. Every year, Korea exports all kinds of pickles to many countries of the world. The pickles have white and red colors; the taste is sour, hot, salty and sweet. Garlic is the basic material to make pickles; Chinese garlic is the most popular in Korea.

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