Fagiolini in umido (Green beans in tomato sauce)

Fagiolini in umido (Green beans in tomato sauce) by Frank Fariello

While Sundays dinners at Angelina's house were once-a-week, belly-busting, meaty affairs, she practically lived on vegetables during the week. This was long before vegetarianism went mainstream and she would not have thought of herself as a 'weekday vegetarian' or anything of that sort. It was just the way that she grew up eating in a…

3 votes
Tuscan inspired skillet potatoes, brussels sprouts and cranberry beans

Tuscan inspired skillet potatoes, brussels sprouts and cranberry beans by Meera Nalavadi

1 vote
Vegetable Rosti

Vegetable Rosti by Lisa Faley

Traditionally a Swiss farmer’s breakfast and made strictly with potatoes, this dish is now mostly served as a side and can include many other ingredients. I had carrots and squash on hand and wanted something less starchy than strictly potatoes. Here is my updated version. The addition of squash makes it taste a little sweet. The…

1 vote
Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Ricotta Cheese by kristy

It's only take you 30 mins to come up with your own fresh & nice batch of homemade cheese to fill in your belly.

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