Sweet Pickles In 15 Minutes. Just In Time For The 4th!

Sweet Pickles In 15 Minutes. Just In Time For The 4th! by kathy gori

It's been busy here in Sonoma getting ready for our annual 4th of July barbecue. In planning our menu this year, we decided to go for the traditional American organic beef burgers with all the fixings, two kinds of coleslaw, James Beards' sour cream slaw, a tart Indian cabbage dish, an Indian style potato salad, mixed wild greens…

3 votes
Cuban Wraps

Cuban Wraps by Lyn Utermark

These are fast, easy, and great for picnics, parks, or the zoo. a fast snack for entertaining the munchies.

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Leftover Pizza

Leftover Pizza by Glenn

Cleaning out the refrigerator can yield a personal pan pizza and a never ending treat for bored taste buds. The estimated cost is off by 100% since it is all leftovers and the calorie and content list is to be ignored. This recipe is for having fun with. So there.

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