Nutritious Cake for Vegans

Nutritious Cake for Vegans by Nathan Willow

A vegan diet means not eating any dairy or animal products i.e. no meat, poultry, eggs, butter or cheese etc. However, it does not mean that it has to be a complicated diet. There are a number of delicious dishes that you can prepare using vegan ingredients. Here is a simple, easy and healthy vegan carrot cake recipe with vegan cream…

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A Sweet and Yummy Experience on Baking Cake

A Sweet and Yummy Experience on Baking Cake by Nathan Willow

It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas. Now February, the month of hearts, is upon us and Cupid is already sighting hapless strangers in his bow's cross hairs. Oh yes, love is truly in the air. What better way to share your love and spread peace and harmony amongst your loved ones than with this chocolate ambrosia. Celebrate…

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Eggless Banana Loaf Cake

Eggless Banana Loaf Cake by Hina Gujral

Eggless Banana Loaf Cake is a delicious, quick to bake, tea-time treat recipe, perfect for the gloomy November evenings. With some over-ripe banana sitting in the fridge, banana loaf cake is a nice idea to utilize them. We replaced butter with olive oil in the recipe to reduce the calorie count of this cake. I am a big time fan of…

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Special Birthday Cake for Your Little Angel's First Birthday

Special Birthday Cake for Your Little Angel's First Birthday by Nathan Willow

Birthdays are always special for everybody. Your child’s first birthday and first birthday cake recipes are always extra special and to make it even more special, here is a simple chocolate cake recipe that can be prepared at home and make you the star…

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A Delectable Birthday Decadence

A Delectable Birthday Decadence by Nathan Willow

"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour." William Blake said it best in this poem about being a child. Celebrate your child's first birthday with this chocolate cake recipe. Feel like a child with this rich, luscious, creamy, mouth-watering,…

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Choco Almond Cashew Secret Center Crumbly Cookies

Choco Almond Cashew Secret Center Crumbly Cookies by shruthisingh4

Absolutely delectable, pure melt in the mouth Chocolate coated crumbly cookies with Almond or Cashew surprises in their Secret Center's...;). Sometimes they remind me of the crumbly cookies we would get along with the how cup of freshly brewed Filter Kaapi we would often get i think in Indian Coffee House,Hotel Chalukya & Grand…

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Tiramisu by Karen Vivers

No cookin' just chillin'

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Turn Your Healthy Carrots into a Delicious Dessert

Turn Your Healthy Carrots into a Delicious Dessert by Nathan Willow

Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, which is very good for our eyes. Carrot is also considered very healthy in fighting off infection, reducing acne and boosting immunity. However, eating carrots in the raw form or vegetable form can get a little monotonous over time. To help you make healthy carrots more interesting, here is an…

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