The Incredible healthy, crunchy, chewy & yummy Granola Cookie

The Incredible healthy, crunchy, chewy & yummy Granola Cookie by Annette Vlahos

An extremely healthy cookie that is Gluten Free, Dairy Free & Vegan with granola raisin, cranberry cookie filled with "Cake" spices. Check out the nutritional information and eat without the guilt!

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Gluten Free Rustic Apricot Slice

Gluten Free Rustic Apricot Slice by The Blender Girl

This rustic gluten free apricot recipe dishes up “a slice of the gluten free good life” without the sugar bomb. This is a little bit more fiddly and time consuming than most of my recipes, but is well worth the effort. Trust me, snouts far and wide unanimously agree – this recipe is a stunner.
 The first time I tasted this delectable…

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Lemony Rolled Sugar Cookies

Lemony Rolled Sugar Cookies by Jesika Feldman

My friend came over a few weeks ago and asked me to help her make gluten free sugar cookies. What we came up with was a soft, chewy cookie with crisp edges from rolling them in sugar before baking. They’re light, sweet, and fluffy with a bit of tang from the addition of cream cheese and from lemon juice. They’re perfect to brighten…

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Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies by Jesika Feldman

The first gluten free recipe I tried really developing myself was Chocolate Chip Cookies. By this I mean studying a bunch of different recipes, seeing what I thought worked best, and making my own recipe out of them. I've tried so many packaged gluten free chocolate chip cookie mixes and there's always some aspect that dissatisfying…

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