Zeytinyagli Taze Fasulye - Turkish Green Beans With Olive Oil


  • 1/2kg French Green beans
  • 1no Onion (chopped)
  • 3nos Garlic cloves (chopped)
  • 3nos Pulpy tomatoes (diced)
  • 1tsp Sugar
  • 1/4cup Olive oil
  • 1/8tsp Cumin powder
  • 1/4tsp Pepper powder or crushed pepper
  • Salt
  • 1/2cup Hot water
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Zeytinyagli Taze Fasulye - Turkish Green Beans With Olive Oil


Recipe Summary & Steps

Traditional Turkish cuisine have many delicious dishes with vegetables, as most of the time meats are not easy to buy. Most of the Turkish families enjoy their food once a week with meats that too with chicken, obviously their cuisine have many tremendous vegetarian dishes which are quite easy to prepare quickly. We have few Turkish neighbours in our appartment and needless to say their cooking skills are seriously very interesting. Last year, during summer we had an appartment reunion, each and every family came with their home made foods. That was first time i tasted their Green beans stew which tastes simply fabulous with our basmati rice. Both works awesome together, with mild garlicky flavor and mild tanginess, this stewed green beans when served cold makes an excellent lunch. Immediately, i asked my Turkish neighbour to share her green beans recipe,without any hesitation she shared her mom's recipe of this popular Turkish green beans aka Zeytinyagli Taze Fasulye.

Oh boy, this recipe is very easy to make,just simply with usual ingredients and fresh green beans you can dish out this ultimate vegetarian dish within half an hour if your green beans are super tender. This dish was sitting in my draft since a year and finally i got a chance to post this dish. Thank god i picked Turkish cuisine under European cuisine for this week's blogging marathon. Coming to this delicious, aromatic Turkish green beans, if you are using a pressure cooker you can dish out this dish in very less time than you can imagine. If you love mildly flavored vegetarian dish, trust me, you will definitely love this dish.Olive oil is a must to make this vegan dish, dont skip it.

  • 1/2kg French Green beans
  • 1no Onion (chopped)
  • 3nos Garlic cloves (chopped)
  • 3nos Pulpy tomatoes (diced)
  • 1tsp Sugar
  • 1/4cup Olive oil
  • 1/8tsp Cumin powder
  • 1/4tsp Pepper powder or crushed pepper
  • Salt
  • 1/2cup Hot water

Heat the olive oil in a pressure cooker, add the chopped onions and garlic cloves, stir until the onions turns transculent.

Add the green beans, salt, cumin powder, pepper powder and stir until the beans change slightly the colour.

Add the diced tomatoes,sugar and cook everything for few minutes, put the lid and cook in medium flame for 10minutes.

Serve cold or at room temperature.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#62

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