This is a print preview of "Tomato Egg Drop Soup with Prawns" recipe.

Tomato Egg Drop Soup with Prawns Recipe
by Anncoo

Here is a simple egg drop soup that I made for my family lunch two days ago. It is a super easy recipe to make with only few ingredients needed and the soup can be ready in 20 minutes. I really love this tasty soup (without adding any seasoning) that can even go with rice alone. Hope you enjoy this Tomato Egg Drop with Prawns as much as I do :)


Rinse prawns and wipe dry. Cut off the head from prawns for later use. Cut the prawns open along the length (remove intestine) with the shell on.

Remove stems from tomatoes. Dice them.

In a soup pot, heat some oil. Stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add the head of prawns and stir fry until fragrant. Put in the diced tomatoes and stir well until soft. Pour in chicken stock and water. Bring to boil and simmer for at lower heat for 15 minutes with the lid on.

Add in prawns and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. **You may like to add little salt to taste.

Beat egg until frothy and drop it in a thin stream straight into the boiling soup and stir in one direction with a fork or ladle. Remove from heat as soon as egg have been taken out and serve immediately with a dash of white ground pepper.
