This is a print preview of "Salted Caramel Apple Magic Cookie Bars" recipe.

Salted Caramel Apple Magic Cookie Bars Recipe
by Renee@MKA

Get ready for some serious Autumn yum. Salted Caramel Apple Magic Cookie Bars are an indulgent treat brimming with fall flavors...apples, cinnamon, caramel, walnuts! They are ooey gooey treats that are sure to please just about any audience.

(PIN IT to your Fall Boards for later!)

I love to make magic bars. No, they are not figure friendly, but they are incredibly easy to make and just so delicious. The flavor combinations with these treats are really endless. They are a great dessert to take to a fall party or a Clambake! They'd also be great on the dessert table at your Thanksgiving gathering. Yeah, I said it....Thanksgiving. It will be here before we know it folks!

For the chip portion of these bars, I used cinnamon flavored chips. You can substitute peanut butter, white chocolate, or butterscotch chips if you can't find them. All those flavors will work well in this bar cookie.

The apple flavor is added by chopping up the apples from canned apple pie filling. I went with canned filling because the apples are soft and cooked through and will not lend any more liquid to the cookie. But, I think if you decided to use fresh apples instead, you could cook them down to release most of the juice from the fresh fruit, and that should work too.

For the caramel, I used those caramel bits you find near the chocolate chips in the baking aisle, and when they were all done baking, gave them a nice sprinkle of salt. Swoon!

Go ahead. Bake up a batch of these lovelies this weekend and give someone you love a little taste of fall! (But please, don't eat the whole pan yourself! HA!)

Salted Caramel Apple Magic Bars

By Renee's Kitchen Adventures

Inspired by Allrecipes

Ooey gooey goodness with all the fall flavors you love in an easy to make bar cookie



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray an 8" x 8" glass baking dish with cooking spray. Set aside.

Combine the graham cracker crumbs with the melted butter in a small bowl. Pour into the prepared baking dish and press down firmly with the back of a spoon or measuring cup to create level crust.

In the same small bowl you used to mix the crust, combine the chopped apples with the sweetened condensed milk. Pour evenly over the crust.

Sprinkle the milk/apple layer with the cinnamon chips, coconut, chopped walnuts and caramel bits, in that order. Press down gently into the milk/apple layer.

Bake at 350 degrees F for about 30 -35 minutes or until top is golden brown and the bars are set. Remove from oven and cool completely. Sprinkle top with salt. Place in refrigerator for a couple of hours to chill. Once chilled, remove from refrigerator for about 10 minutes then cut into bars.

Store leftovers in refrigerator.

Yield: 16 bar cookies

Prep Time: 00 hrs. 15 mins.

Cook time: 00 hrs. 30 mins.

Total time: 45 mins.

Tags: cookies, dessert, bars, caramel, apple, salted, treat, snack

*Not providing nutritional stats for this indulgent recipe. Eat in moderation and enjoy!


OMG. I cannot tell you how yummy these are. I do confess, they are a little messy, but I think that adds to their charm. The real trick is eating them in moderation! lol

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