This is a print preview of "Pumpkin Spice Cookies" recipe.

Pumpkin Spice Cookies Recipe
by Account Killer

Pumpkin Spice Cookies

I made these cookies a while ago, but didn't get around to posting them at them time. This post has been sitting as a draft along with several others just waiting for me to finish, add photos, etc. Anyway, I finally got around to finishing it...

except now I can't seem to find all the photos that go with the post. Sometimes, I can be so disorganized. :( This was the only photo I could find. However, I decided any photo--even an unfrosted cookie was better than no photos at all. The cookies are delicious. And I hope my disorganization will not stop you from trying this recipe.

Cookie Ingredients:

time until frosting is spreadable.

6. Spread frosting on top of each cookie with a spatula or

squeeze out of a pastry bag fitted with a star tip. Dust the

frosting lightly with cinnamon.

Yield: 36 cookies