This is a print preview of "Pumpkin Soya Milk Pudding 南瓜豆花布丁" recipe.

Pumpkin Soya Milk Pudding 南瓜豆花布丁 Recipe
by Anncoo

Here is a gluten free, healthy and nutritious dessert made with fresh milk, pumpkin puree and soya milk. This silky smooth texture pudding is very easy and quick to prepare and definitely a comfort dessert for rounding up a satisfying meal.

Pumpkin Soya Milk Pudding



Steam pumpkin till soft without skin and blend together with fresh milk to smooth, set aside.

In a pot add in unsweetened soya milk, sugar and agar agar powder, bring to a boil at medium heat. Keep stirring the process so that it will not be burnt.

Pour in the pumpkin liquid and stir to a boil again.

Remove from heat and pour pudding liquid into serving cups. Leave to cool at room temperature and chill pudding for at least 2 hours to set.

Top with some azuki beans as desired before serving.

150克 南瓜泥

1公升 无糖豆奶 (买现成的)

200毫升 牛奶

160克 细糖

2.5茶匙 燕菜粉

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