This is a print preview of "Oreo Truffles" recipe.

Oreo Truffles Recipe
by Kelly Styles

Oreo Truffles

Oreo Truffles are a big hit with my family. They are a little time consuming so i tend to make them only for special occasions such as holidays and birthdays. However, they are well worth the wait.

I normally make these over the course of two or three days depending on my schedule.

Rating: 5/5
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Prep time: United States American
  Servings: 1

Goes Well With: anything you like

Wine and Drink Pairings: milk, egg nog, hot chocolate


  • One bag of Semi-sweet chocolate chips (if chocolate is not your thing, feel free to mix it up)
  • one 8oz pack of cream cheese
  • blender or food processor
  • Cookie sheet
  • Wax paper


  1. Soften cream cheese in the microwave or leave out for about an hour at room temp to soften
  2. meantime, break Oreo's into pieces.
  3. Place cream cheese and Oreo pieces into blender or food processor and mix until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Place in covered bowl and place in fridge until firm
  5. when ready, melt chocolate using the double boiling method (boiling pan of water with another pan or heat proof bowl on top)
  6. Make small ball's about an inch in width (bite size)
  7. Line cookie sheet with wax paper.
  8. Melt chocolate and coat each Oreo ball then place on wax paper.
  9. When cookie sheet is full, place in fridge until chocolate has set