This is a print preview of "Orange-Mint-Lemon Sweet Tea" recipe.

Orange-Mint-Lemon Sweet Tea Recipe
by "Cheffie Cooks"

Orange-Mint-Lemon Sweet Tea

Delicious non alcoholic beverage for the entire family on a hot afternoon!

Rating: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 vote
Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 4

Goes Well With: any snacks


  • 4 Family Sized Tea Bags
  • 5 Cups Cold Water
  • One Orange juice only
  • One lemon (juice of half, slice the other half for garnishing)
  • 1/4 cup Granulated sugar
  • Leaves of Fresh Mint


  1. Boil water add tea bags, shut off heat source and steep tea several minutes. Remove tea bags add all ingredients and stir gently.
  2. Refrigerate for one hour, serve over ice cubes and lemon wedge.
  3. Enjoy! Its super refreshing.