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No-Fail Yummy Sugar Cookies Recipe
by KosherLiz

No-Fail Yummy Sugar Cookies

I had a pound of these cookies yesterday, but my niece and three nephews came for an overnight visit and I don't know what happened to them! Time to bake again since they're coming again for Simchas Torah!

Mix the sugar and the shortening until smooth, and add the eggs and wet ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix your dry ingredients well, and slowly add to your wet mixture. When the dough comes together, shape into a square log, cover with plastic wrap and stow in the fridge for at least two or three hours, or overnight. These also freeze well.

When you are ready to bake, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Unwrap, slice or roll out and make shapes, and dredge on both sides in sugar. Cook 8 minutes, and take out immmediately for a softer cookie, or a little longer for a crispy cookie (Wait until the top browns a little). Cool the cookies on racks. Makes a lot (about 65 cookies), so keep half of your dough in the freezer for the next time your favorite cookie monsters visit.