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No Bake PB & J Thumbprints Recipe
by Alisa Fleming

Posted by alisa on December 28, 2009 | 28 Comments

I don’t know about you, but weening myself off of sweets can be a real struggle, especially after the holidays. Though going cold turkey may be the smart thing to do, I prefer the slow and steady approach … using a bit less, switching to liquid sweeteners, and adding in some wholesome ingredients … for conquering my sugar cravings.

Thankfully, ”healthy” treats can be every bit as (if not more) delicious and satisfying … and such is the case for these simple no bake bites that can be whipped up in mere minutes. The recipe is short, sweet, and quite forgiving, allowing you to make substitutions for your special diet wherever needed.

This is a mini-recipe, making just 6 cookie bites, a generous little snack for two people. Feel free to double, triple, or quadruple the recipe if you want some chillin’ in the fridge on demand. They should keep for a few days in the refrigerator, and for several months in the freezer.

This recipe is Dairy-Free and Egg-Free, and it can be Vegan, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, and/or Soy-Free.

Crush the graham crackers into fine crumbs or a powder. You can do this with the old ziploc and mallet method, or as I prefer, pop them in one of those cheap little spice grinders, and whiz away. You will get about 1/4 cup of fine crumbs/graham powder.

Yields 6 no bake treats

Giveaways and Notes:

Wildbars from Chocolate-Covered Healthy – These bars cost a small fortune (definitely worth winning!), but are so good.